I should also add that I’m fortunate to be “sheltered” from the literature by mentors (one is a therapist, one Coherence Therapy, also others). They will just call me out if I say something wrong. I did not discuss this exact point with them in specific though but I think they would vaguely agree, I wouldn’t be surprised if they helped me qualify my statement slightly more, but that’s also why I’m posting this here to get feedback
I should also add that I’m fortunate to be “sheltered” from the literature by mentors (one is a therapist, one Coherence Therapy, also others). They will just call me out if I say something wrong. I did not discuss this exact point with them in specific though but I think they would vaguely agree, I wouldn’t be surprised if they helped me qualify my statement slightly more, but that’s also why I’m posting this here to get feedback