You may find some statistical effect, but why not give them all the same test, and rank them on their actual knowledge of biology and medicine?
I think the concept of feeling better or worse than the majority is important to the experiment. Being told that you suck is more convincing after a hard test regardless of how much you actually know.
Seems too potentially confounding. How would you distinguish between:
a) A person who knows a lot about biology wants to promote scientific values in order to become a more valuable person.
and b) A person who knows a lot about biology is smart enough not to believe pseudoscience involving biology?
You may find some statistical effect, but why not give them all the same test, and rank them on their actual knowledge of biology and medicine?
I think the concept of feeling better or worse than the majority is important to the experiment. Being told that you suck is more convincing after a hard test regardless of how much you actually know.
Seems too potentially confounding. How would you distinguish between:
a) A person who knows a lot about biology wants to promote scientific values in order to become a more valuable person.
and b) A person who knows a lot about biology is smart enough not to believe pseudoscience involving biology?