Hence this new account.
ADDENDUM: I mean, unless we have some name-change feature that I just couldn’t find.
SECOND ADDENDUM: To anyone reading this on my userpage, you might be interested in my older comments.
On reflection, I’m actually going to start spelling my first name again
Why? (If I may ask.)
I’ll PM you.
unless we have some name-change feature that I just couldn’t find.
I’ve been wishing we had one for a while—I replicated my Reddit login without really thinking.
I guess you could implement one!
Regrettably my meager Python skills are not yet up to the task.
A welcome occasion to learn more?
Hence this new account.
ADDENDUM: I mean, unless we have some name-change feature that I just couldn’t find.
SECOND ADDENDUM: To anyone reading this on my userpage, you might be interested in my older comments.
Why? (If I may ask.)
I’ll PM you.
I’ve been wishing we had one for a while—I replicated my Reddit login without really thinking.
I guess you could implement one!
Regrettably my meager Python skills are not yet up to the task.
A welcome occasion to learn more?