Thanks for engaging. I hope we can figure out what our cruxes are.
On points 1 and 2: I still think you haven’t addressed my counter-argument to points of that nature, which I’ve raised (1) in the post itself, (2) in my previous reply to you, and (3) in this comment. To reiterate some of it: you use sleep research to support some of your points, mostly in your review of Walker’s book but also in Theses on Sleep, and it’s not clear to me why research that shows that sleep deprivation is not as bad as people think is admissible evidence to you but research that shows that sleep deprivation is not harmless is not. I was, and remain, skeptical that you have a consistent and rigorous standard for what research you think is admissible and what research you think is not.
Just to reiterate: I believe that the points 4, 5.4.1, and 5.4.2 invalidate large chunks of sleep literature and are simply not possible under the default “sufficient sleep is good and necessary for proper functioning for normal people on the scale of a few days to a week”.
Notice that my post does not argue against anything that is invalidated by 4, 5.4.1 or 5.4.2.
As I elaborated before in my post, 5.4.1 pretty much just shows that sleep deprivation doesn’t make you very acutely sick or something, which is (1) not something I’m arguing against, (2) not something the sleep literature is arguing against, (3) not a surprising claim, and (4) not a novel claim.
Concerning 5.4.2, we don’t know how well people in the show would be doing in a rigorous assessment of cognition not subject to learning effects, such as the psychomotor vigilance task or other similar tests. I appreciate that the show is evidence that people are able to perform some tasks even while very sleep-deprived, but again, that’s not something I or the sleep literature are arguing against, and it isn’t novel or surprising.
even if we only take people with bipolar disorder: how the hell can they go on so few number of hours a night with their brain being manic but not simply breaking down?
Uh, whatever manic people are doing, it’s putting them at hospitals and making them unable to functionally recover even 2 years later at incredibly high rates, so they really aren’t a good example of a group that sleeps very little consistently without breaking down.
Also, notice that I could have written a post just like yours, with the same kinds of evidence that you use — not bringing up any meta-analysis at all — but instead arguing that sleep deprivation impairs cognition and can worsen mood. The kind of evidence that you use does not asymmetrically favor you. You may have a high prior that all anecdotes about sleep deprivation impairing cognition are untrustworthy, and all anecdotes denying that are trustworthy, but that too isn’t asymmetric; why can’t I claim that it’s the other way around because there’s a psyop making people wrongly believe that there are no harms to sleep restriction, fueled by bosses that want their reports to spend more time working and less time sleeping? (This is not something I actually believe, but I’m just pointing out that the kind of evidence that is consistent with your points is not asymmetrically so; you don’t elaborate on why we should expect people to be massively wrong about their experiences in that specific direction and not the other).
I don’t think you’re engaging with the substance of the argument.
The crux is:
Also, notice that I could have written a post just like yours, with the same kinds of evidence that you use, but instead arguing that sleep deprivation impairs cognition and can worsen mood.
This is incorrect. If you argue that “proper sleep is necessary for x” and I show you a counterexample where a person has x but doesn’t have proper sleep, then however many studies or arguments you give for why “proper sleep is necessary for x”, the argument will remain invalidated, which I claim 4, 5.4.1., and 5.4.2. (which you do not represent accurately in your comment—the participants were able to perform complex mental tasks and function in general at what appears to be ~full-capacity, not just “able to perform basic tasks”) all demonstrate.
I don’t recall having argued that “proper sleep is necessary for x.” [1]
I’ve argued that sleep restriction impairs cognition, is associated with negative mood and suicidality (not only positive mood) and causes overeating. Not that you need a certain minimum amount of sleep to perform competently at something. So I still don’t think that the kind of evidence that you bring up is asymmetric.
I’ll come up with an example to explain the difference. Suppose that, after 8 hours of sleep, humans complete a task with an average accuracy of 83%. After 6 hours of sleep, the average accuracy decreases to 71%. And even after a full night of sleep deprivation, accuracy is still 60%, substantially better than a dart-throwing monkey (which would have, say, a 10% accuracy at the task). Suppose that accuracy above 50% is considered acceptable. You point out that the average accuracy of the sleep-restricted/deprived groups is still pretty good, and argue that this shows that sleeping 8 hours per night, or sleeping at all the previous night, is not necessary to complete the task acceptably. And obviously, you’ll be right — but that wouldn’t be an argument against the claim that sleep restriction impairs performance on that task.
you do not represent accurately in your comment—the participants were able to perform complex mental tasks and function in general at what appears to be ~full-capacity, not just “able to perform basic tasks”
I edited my comment. Notice, however, that it’s still unclear how people in the show would be doing in a rigorous assessment of cognition not subject to learning effects, and, as far as I know, we don’t know how well they did on their tasks compared to their baseline performance.
Claims of that sort would not be very general, and their truth-value would obviously depend on what you mean by “necessary,” so I don’t think they’re that interesting. Also, in some tasks there’s probably a very big difference between acceptable performance and peak performance.
Does anybody know if there have been any sleep-deprivation studies that attempt to control for belief effects? I’m think about this sort of thing. The knock-on ramifications in either direction seem like they could be potentially significant. Among other things, belief effects could help to explain the swaths of contradictory studies around this topic.
Thanks for engaging. I hope we can figure out what our cruxes are.
On points 1 and 2: I still think you haven’t addressed my counter-argument to points of that nature, which I’ve raised (1) in the post itself, (2) in my previous reply to you, and (3) in this comment. To reiterate some of it: you use sleep research to support some of your points, mostly in your review of Walker’s book but also in Theses on Sleep, and it’s not clear to me why research that shows that sleep deprivation is not as bad as people think is admissible evidence to you but research that shows that sleep deprivation is not harmless is not. I was, and remain, skeptical that you have a consistent and rigorous standard for what research you think is admissible and what research you think is not.
Notice that my post does not argue against anything that is invalidated by 4, 5.4.1 or 5.4.2.
As I elaborated before in my post, 5.4.1 pretty much just shows that sleep deprivation doesn’t make you very acutely sick or something, which is (1) not something I’m arguing against, (2) not something the sleep literature is arguing against, (3) not a surprising claim, and (4) not a novel claim.
Concerning 5.4.2, we don’t know how well people in the show would be doing in a rigorous assessment of cognition not subject to learning effects, such as the psychomotor vigilance task or other similar tests. I appreciate that the show is evidence that people are able to perform some tasks even while very sleep-deprived, but again, that’s not something I or the sleep literature are arguing against, and it isn’t novel or surprising.
Uh, whatever manic people are doing, it’s putting them at hospitals and making them unable to functionally recover even 2 years later at incredibly high rates, so they really aren’t a good example of a group that sleeps very little consistently without breaking down.
Also, notice that I could have written a post just like yours, with the same kinds of evidence that you use — not bringing up any meta-analysis at all — but instead arguing that sleep deprivation impairs cognition and can worsen mood. The kind of evidence that you use does not asymmetrically favor you. You may have a high prior that all anecdotes about sleep deprivation impairing cognition are untrustworthy, and all anecdotes denying that are trustworthy, but that too isn’t asymmetric; why can’t I claim that it’s the other way around because there’s a psyop making people wrongly believe that there are no harms to sleep restriction, fueled by bosses that want their reports to spend more time working and less time sleeping? (This is not something I actually believe, but I’m just pointing out that the kind of evidence that is consistent with your points is not asymmetrically so; you don’t elaborate on why we should expect people to be massively wrong about their experiences in that specific direction and not the other).
I don’t think you’re engaging with the substance of the argument.
The crux is:
This is incorrect. If you argue that “proper sleep is necessary for x” and I show you a counterexample where a person has x but doesn’t have proper sleep, then however many studies or arguments you give for why “proper sleep is necessary for x”, the argument will remain invalidated, which I claim 4, 5.4.1., and 5.4.2. (which you do not represent accurately in your comment—the participants were able to perform complex mental tasks and function in general at what appears to be ~full-capacity, not just “able to perform basic tasks”) all demonstrate.
I don’t recall having argued that “proper sleep is necessary for x.” [1]
I’ve argued that sleep restriction impairs cognition, is associated with negative mood and suicidality (not only positive mood) and causes overeating. Not that you need a certain minimum amount of sleep to perform competently at something. So I still don’t think that the kind of evidence that you bring up is asymmetric.
I’ll come up with an example to explain the difference. Suppose that, after 8 hours of sleep, humans complete a task with an average accuracy of 83%. After 6 hours of sleep, the average accuracy decreases to 71%. And even after a full night of sleep deprivation, accuracy is still 60%, substantially better than a dart-throwing monkey (which would have, say, a 10% accuracy at the task). Suppose that accuracy above 50% is considered acceptable. You point out that the average accuracy of the sleep-restricted/deprived groups is still pretty good, and argue that this shows that sleeping 8 hours per night, or sleeping at all the previous night, is not necessary to complete the task acceptably. And obviously, you’ll be right — but that wouldn’t be an argument against the claim that sleep restriction impairs performance on that task.
I edited my comment. Notice, however, that it’s still unclear how people in the show would be doing in a rigorous assessment of cognition not subject to learning effects, and, as far as I know, we don’t know how well they did on their tasks compared to their baseline performance.
Claims of that sort would not be very general, and their truth-value would obviously depend on what you mean by “necessary,” so I don’t think they’re that interesting. Also, in some tasks there’s probably a very big difference between acceptable performance and peak performance.
Does anybody know if there have been any sleep-deprivation studies that attempt to control for belief effects? I’m think about this sort of thing. The knock-on ramifications in either direction seem like they could be potentially significant. Among other things, belief effects could help to explain the swaths of contradictory studies around this topic.