I don’t think you’re engaging with the substance of the argument.
The crux is:
Also, notice that I could have written a post just like yours, with the same kinds of evidence that you use, but instead arguing that sleep deprivation impairs cognition and can worsen mood.
This is incorrect. If you argue that “proper sleep is necessary for x” and I show you a counterexample where a person has x but doesn’t have proper sleep, then however many studies or arguments you give for why “proper sleep is necessary for x”, the argument will remain invalidated, which I claim 4, 5.4.1., and 5.4.2. (which you do not represent accurately in your comment—the participants were able to perform complex mental tasks and function in general at what appears to be ~full-capacity, not just “able to perform basic tasks”) all demonstrate.
I think that if you ask anyone who knows me in-person they will tell you that I’m an unusually emotionally intensive person. My writing is also usually very emotionally intense but it tend to go through getting feedback from like 20 people who tell me to remove all of the excessive language and to tone it down before publication, so it ends up sounding normal. Comment do not go through this kind of process.