In the Library section of the website there are also some appliedsequences, which I found to be motivating.
Your English looks great, especially for a third language. What are the other two?
I daresay if you are in a challenging period, stoicism is among the best philosophies to be armed with. Everyone goes through burnout and cynical periods—I have every confidence you will make it through.
Welcome to the site! You are in the right place, and we have just the thing.
First things first, the burnout. You will also find Slack and the Sabbath interesting.
You may also be interested in The Science of Winning at Life sequence, which covers self-directed learning pretty well.
In the Library section of the website there are also some applied sequences, which I found to be motivating.
Your English looks great, especially for a third language. What are the other two?
I daresay if you are in a challenging period, stoicism is among the best philosophies to be armed with. Everyone goes through burnout and cynical periods—I have every confidence you will make it through.