Russell Conjugations list & voting thread

Russell conjugations humorously illustrate how the same concept can be expressed with different phrasings that carry positive, neutral, or negative valence. Examples below.

I wish they were taught in schools. I think it’s a high bang-for-buck rationality technique, to ‘conjugate’ and translate back and forth between the positive and negative valences. If you can do this effortlessly and automatically, you are more likely to do so in situations where you are in danger of making epistemic or moral errors if you don’t.

Below in the comments I’m making a list of Russell conjugations I’ve heard and generated. Please add more of your own. Agreement-upvote them if you think they are a solid contribution to the list, agreement-downvote them if you think the overall list would be better off without them.

If we get enough, maybe it’ll be a useful fine-tuning or few-shot prompt for LLMs. (The votes will be helpful for quality control.) Maybe. I can dream.