How culture war stuff is dealt with on the various discord servers is having a place to dump it all. This is often hidden to begin with and opt-in only, so people only become aware of it when they start trying to discuss it.
I’ve also been thinking quite a bit about certain tags on posts requiring a minimum karma for commenters. The minimum karma wouldn’t have to be too high (e.g. 10-20 karma might be enough), but it would keep out people who only sign up to discuss highly political topics.
How culture war stuff is dealt with on the various discord servers is having a place to dump it all. This is often hidden to begin with and opt-in only, so people only become aware of it when they start trying to discuss it.
I’ve also been thinking quite a bit about certain tags on posts requiring a minimum karma for commenters. The minimum karma wouldn’t have to be too high (e.g. 10-20 karma might be enough), but it would keep out people who only sign up to discuss highly political topics.