Announcements & opportunities
Terraform Industries (solar-powered carbon-neutral natural gas synthesis) is hiring
A class on how politics works, so you can get involved productively
Read Something Wonderful, writing that has stood the test of time (including my pieces on iron and smallpox)
Turpentine Media, a new media network covering tech, business, & culture
Ted Kaczynski, the “Unabomber,” has died in prison at 81. See Kevin Kelly’s summary of and rebuttal to his philosophy
Marc Andreessen on AI safety. Note what I highlighted and where I disagree
What Lant Pritchett is for: productivity, state capability, education, labor mobility
The Illusion of Moral Decline (via @a_m_mastroianni). One of many decline illusions
The untold story of the precursors of the steam engine (by @antonhowes)
Holden Karnofsky suggests “a playbook for AI risk reduction”
Mark Lutter interview on his Caribbean charter city project (via @MarkLutter)
Trailer for Nuclear Now, which is now on streaming platforms (via @oklo)
Casey Handmer on why we don’t build underground. Building a road tunnel costs “$100,000 per meter, or equivalent to a stack of Hamiltons of the same length.” (!) Although I don’t know if Casey used Norway or Seattle figures
Also Casey: 1 gram of stratospheric SO2 offsets 1 ton of CO2 for 1 year (!)
“Existential Crunch” synthesizes research about social collapse (via @mattsclancy)
Turnspit dogs (via @RebeccaRideal via @antonhowes)
Requests for books/sources on…
Related, the modern history of chips/AI?
Other queries
What societies have successfully gone through degrowth? (If any…)
Anecdotes of scientists eschewing management or calling for more autonomy?
Term for the age you would have died at, if not for modern medicine?
Best treatment of why actions often produce the opposite of the intended effect?
How to square Cruise’s claim of 1 injury in first 1M driverless miles with SF’s claims? (Maybe three are actually Waymo, and none seem at-fault?)
“The flying machine is one of God’s most gracious and precious gifts”
Admiral Rickover on academic reactors vs. practical reactors
The stock ticker was the 19th-century equivalent of social media
Straight, level roads were a new, non-obvious idea in the early 1800s
How the precautionary principle became a weapon against new technology
“Systems tend to malfunction conspicuously just after their greatest triumph”
Tweets & threads
Cruise AVs learn to honk at human drivers to avoid collisions
We have seen smoke blotting out the sky before, such as the “Dark Day” of 1780
Bret Devereaux on what life was like as a typical Roman peasant. Among other things, children died young and yes, the parents mourned
Author of “Mundanity of Excellence” responds to me on the value of talent
“Progress studies showed me that ideas matter & can have true real world impact”
A dam is sabotaged, and the main media concern is a nuclear plant at little risk
The apathy that manifests when technology becomes invisible. Also, “pragmatic optimism” and “solutionism”
What “consciousness-raising” feminism did and why it was necessary
How well-intentioned government policy turns into implementation nightmares
The O-1/EB-1 are underutilized by top talent and many get bad info about eligibility
SF changes the planning code to reduce burden on shop owners
I oscillate between “everything is screwed up” and “screwed-up is normal”. Also, the minimum competence of professionals is much lower than you would hope
copying top response to term for age you would’ve died at without modern medicine:
Bobby D. @Ancient0History
Technical: Medical Intervention Threshold
Untechnical: Bucket Point
For me, this would have been age 3, fever/pneumonia.