This write-up benefited from feedback from …Ben Pence.
Did I give you feedback on this writeup? Or do I have a dark arch-nemesis out there that someday I will need to fight?
Ah this is a different Ben.
Then I will prepare for combat.
And thus the wheel of the Dharma was set in motion once again, for one more great turning of time
If there was a vote for the best comment thread of 2020, that would probably be it for me.
Honestly, Pace and Pence should team up to make a super team. Nomitive similarity ought to be a Schelling feature for coordination.
He can be vice president.
Did I give you feedback on this writeup? Or do I have a dark arch-nemesis out there that someday I will need to fight?
Ah this is a different Ben.
Then I will prepare for combat.
And thus the wheel of the Dharma was set in motion once again, for one more great turning of time
If there was a vote for the best comment thread of 2020, that would probably be it for me.
Honestly, Pace and Pence should team up to make a super team. Nomitive similarity ought to be a Schelling feature for coordination.
He can be vice president.