How do I add follow up links to a post? Most main and sequences posts have them but I’m unable to add them to my post. Note: I posted in Discussion as recommended because these were my first posts. I didn’t any feedback to change that but I’d nonetheless cross-link them and I intend to post more of the same kind. How can I add these follow-up thingies?
How do I create a user profile? It appears the some users do have profiles even with pictures and some like EY real pages. There is no button to create/edit one. I suspect it is somewhere in the Wiki but can’t find it.
Is there a guide to tags? I’d like to use a common tag for my posts on “parenting”.
Generally a good idea. But that’s not what I meant. I mean a generally short search URL for less wrong where I can just add the query term.
I can shorten the abive via but I can’t modify that to also search for q=parenting, q=ai, q=tags...
Set up an account on the Wiki, with the same name as your LessWrong account. Then make a user page for it. After a day, LW will automatically use that to make your profile page. (Thanks to gwern for informing me about this.)
Halt. I have a problem here: Saving doesn’t seem to work. The page stays empty and I can’t leave the edit area.. Same for my talk page. The wiki appears to be slow overall.
Sounds like you’ve been hit by the edit filter: I’ve been trying out disabling page creation for users younger than 3 or 4 days. It’s supposed to be giving you a warning explaining that, though.
I didn’t answer about tags because I don’t know of a guide.
I just found that if you search on tag [word that you think might be a good tag], you’ll get lw articles with that tag, but that would be a process of exploration rather than knowing about common tags.
But this doesn’t show my postings with that tag. Can it be that only posts in Main are found by that? If so is there a different shortcut that will (also) lists hits in Comments?
Hi, I’m new here and have some questons regarding editing and posting. I read thru and but couldn’t find the answers there so I decided to ask here. Probably I overlooked something obvious and a link will suffice.
How do I add follow up links to a post? Most main and sequences posts have them but I’m unable to add them to my post. Note: I posted in Discussion as recommended because these were my first posts. I didn’t any feedback to change that but I’d nonetheless cross-link them and I intend to post more of the same kind. How can I add these follow-up thingies?
How do I create a user profile? It appears the some users do have profiles even with pictures and some like EY real pages. There is no button to create/edit one. I suspect it is somewhere in the Wiki but can’t find it.
Is there a guide to tags? I’d like to use a common tag for my posts on “parenting”.
The “show help” box at the lower right of the comment field gives you information on the markdown methods for emphasis and links and such.
I’m pretty sure that you just use links to your other posts for follow up links, unless I’m missing something about your question.
What about profiles? How can I create one? I see that many users have profiles:
(by the way: is there a way to create shorter URLs for simple searches? I tried but that comes up empty)
Use a url shortener. will even pay you for it.
Generally a good idea. But that’s not what I meant. I mean a generally short search URL for less wrong where I can just add the query term. I can shorten the abive via but I can’t modify that to also search for q=parenting, q=ai, q=tags...
what about the profile page? how do I create these?
Set up an account on the Wiki, with the same name as your LessWrong account. Then make a user page for it. After a day, LW will automatically use that to make your profile page. (Thanks to gwern for informing me about this.)
Thank you. I’m just creating and hope that it will get linked to
Halt. I have a problem here: Saving doesn’t seem to work. The page stays empty and I can’t leave the edit area.. Same for my talk page. The wiki appears to be slow overall.
Sounds like you’ve been hit by the edit filter: I’ve been trying out disabling page creation for users younger than 3 or 4 days. It’s supposed to be giving you a warning explaining that, though.
Indeed. Now it works. There definitely was no warning or anything related.
Try again, maybe? I haven’t had a problem with the wiki before...
I still can’t save. They page stays empty. A few more notes:
the start page appears to have been defaced (a link to a gambling casino). I can’t revert to dito. Maybe you should protect the page.
the wiki loads quite slow.
LW in general seems to have some issue with loading—the page never loads completely. it displayes, but the browser continues to wait for the URL
No problem with markdown.
As for the follow-up links I checked again and these are normal links. I’m somewhat surprised that they are used that consistently.
Can you also provide a tip on tags?
I didn’t answer about tags because I don’t know of a guide.
I just found that if you search on tag [word that you think might be a good tag], you’ll get lw articles with that tag, but that would be a process of exploration rather than knowing about common tags.
Then I assume that tags are used by intuition. I just invented a tag and will use it consistently.
I found that it is possible to list all posts with a tag via a short URL, e.g. on parenting it is
But this doesn’t show my postings with that tag. Can it be that only posts in Main are found by that? If so is there a different shortcut that will (also) lists hits in Comments?
discussion/parenting. Also, I think tagged articles are sorted by old first, opposite to most things.