I didn’t answer about tags because I don’t know of a guide.
I just found that if you search on tag [word that you think might be a good tag], you’ll get lw articles with that tag, but that would be a process of exploration rather than knowing about common tags.
But this doesn’t show my postings with that tag. Can it be that only posts in Main are found by that? If so is there a different shortcut that will (also) lists hits in Comments?
No problem with markdown.
As for the follow-up links I checked again and these are normal links. I’m somewhat surprised that they are used that consistently.
Can you also provide a tip on tags?
I didn’t answer about tags because I don’t know of a guide.
I just found that if you search on tag [word that you think might be a good tag], you’ll get lw articles with that tag, but that would be a process of exploration rather than knowing about common tags.
Then I assume that tags are used by intuition. I just invented a tag and will use it consistently.
I found that it is possible to list all posts with a tag via a short URL, e.g. on parenting it is
But this doesn’t show my postings with that tag. Can it be that only posts in Main are found by that? If so is there a different shortcut that will (also) lists hits in Comments?
discussion/parenting. Also, I think tagged articles are sorted by old first, opposite to most things.