if I had more time, I’d be using such tools to learn to code rather than to learn to keep not coding.
As someone heavily involved in development for 16 years and ML for 8+ - I heavily endorse this. This is where the actual value lies.
It doesn’t actually help with a lot of really difficult an complex tasks, but it raises the “ground level” of tasks you need to worry about without manual involvement. More or less the same what High-level programming languages did before that, and low level, and assembler and …
As someone heavily involved in development for 16 years and ML for 8+ - I heavily endorse this. This is where the actual value lies.
It doesn’t actually help with a lot of really difficult an complex tasks, but it raises the “ground level” of tasks you need to worry about without manual involvement. More or less the same what High-level programming languages did before that, and low level, and assembler and …