Which specific formulation of the Sleeping Beauty problem did you use to work things out? Maybe we’re referring to descriptions of the problem that use different wording; I’ve yet to read a description that’s convinced me that 1⁄2 is an answer to the wrong question. For example, here’s the wiki’s description asks
Beauty wakes up in the experiment and is asked, “With what subjective probability do believe that the coin landed tails?”
Personally, I believe that using the word ‘subjective’ doesn’t add anything here (it just sounds like a cue to think Bayesian-ishly to me, which doesn’t change the actual answer). So I read the question as asking for the probability of the coin landing tails given the experiment’s setup. As it’s asking for a probabiliy, I see it as wholly legitimate to answer it along the lines of ‘how many times on average the coin comes up heads per X,’ where X is one of the two choices you mentioned.
If you ignore the specification that it is Beauty’s subjective probability under discussion, the problem becomes ill-defined—and multiple answers become defensible—depending on whose perspective we take.
The word ‘subjective’ before the word ‘probability’ is empty verbiage to me, so (as I see it) it doesn’t matter whether you or I have subjectivity in mind. The problem’s ill-defined either way; ‘the specification that it is Beauty’s subjective probability’ makes no difference to me.
“In other words, only in a third of the cases would heads precede her awakening. So the right answer for her to give is 1⁄3. This is the correct answer from Beauty’s perspective. Yet to the experimenter the correct probability is 1⁄2.”
I think it’s not the change in perspective or subjective identity making a difference, but instead it’s a change in precisely which probability is being asked about. The Wikipedia page unhelpfully conflates the two changes.
It says that the experimenter must see a probability of 1⁄2 and Beauty must see a probability of 1⁄3, but that just ain’t so; there is nothing stopping Beauty from caring about the proportion of coin flips that turn out to be heads (which is 1⁄2), and there is nothing stopping the experimenter from caring about the proportion of wakings for which the coin is heads (which is 1⁄3). You can change which probability you care about without changing your subjective identity and vice versa.
Let’s say I’m Sleeping Beauty. I would interpret the question as being about my estimate of a probability (‘credence’) associated with a coin-flipping process. Having interpreted the question as being about that process, I would answer 1⁄2 - who I am would have nothing to do with the question’s correct answer, since who I am has no effect on the simple process of flipping a fair coin and I am given no new information after the coin flip about the coin’s state.
“What is your credence now for the proposition that our coin landed heads?”
That’s fairly clearly the PROBABILITY NOW of the coin having landed heads—and not the PROPORTION that turn out AT SOME POINT IN THE FUTURE to have landed heads.
Perspective can make a difference—because different observers have different levels of knowledge about the situation. In this case, Beauty doesn’t know whether it is Tuesday or not—but she does know that if she is being asked on Tuesday, then the coin came down tails—and p(heads) is about 0.
In the original problem post, Beauty is asked a specific question, though
It’s not specific enough. It only asks for Beauty’s credence of a coin landing heads—it doesn’t tell her to choose between the credence of a coin landing heads given that it is flipped and the credence of a coin landing heads given a single waking. The fact that it’s Beauty being asked does not, in and of itself, mean the question must be asking the latter probability. It is wholly reasonable for Beauty to interpret the question as being about a coin-flipping process for which the associated probability is 1⁄2.
That’s fairly clearly the PROBABILITY NOW of the coin having landed heads—and not the PROPORTION that turn out AT SOME POINT IN THE FUTURE to have landed heads.
The addition of the word ‘now’ doesn’t magically ban you from considering a probability as a limiting relative frequency.
Perspective can make a difference—because different observers have different levels of knowledge about the situation. In this case, Beauty doesn’t know whether it is Tuesday or not
- but she does know that if she is being asked on Tuesday, then the coin came down tails—and p(heads) is about 0.
It’s not clear to me how this conditional can be informative from Beauty’s perspective, as she doesn’t know whether it’s Tuesday or not. The only new knowledge she gets is that she’s woken up; but she has an equal probability (i.e. 1) of getting evidence of waking up if the coin’s heads or if the coin’s tails. So Beauty has no more knowledge than she did on Sunday.
She has LESS knowledge than she had on Sunday in one critical area—because now she doesn’t know what day of the week it is. She may not have learned much—but she has definitely forgotten something—and forgetting things changes your estimates of their liklihood just as much as learning about them does.
She has LESS knowledge than she had on Sunday in one critical area—because now she doesn’t know what day of the week it is. She may not have learned much—but she has definitely forgotten something -
That’s true.
and forgetting things changes your estimates of their liklihood just as much as learning about them does.
I’m not as sure about this. It’s not clear to me how it changes the likelihoods if I sketch Beauty’s situation at time 1 and time 2 as
A coin will be flipped and I will be woken up on Monday, and perhaps Tuesday. It is Sunday.
I have been woken up, so a coin has been flipped. It is Monday or Tuesday but I do not know which.
as opposed to just
A coin will be flipped and I will be woken up on Monday, and perhaps Tuesday.
I have been woken up, so a coin has been flipped. It is Monday or Tuesday but I do not know which.
(Edit to clarify—the 2nd pair of statements is meant to represent roughly how I was thinking about the setup when writing my earlier comment. That is, it’s evident that I didn’t account for Beauty forgetting what day of the week it is in the way timtyler expected, but at the same time I don’t believe that made any material difference.)
I read it as “What is your credence”, which is supposed to be synonymous with “subjective probability”, which—and this is significant—I take to entail that Beauty must condition on having been woken (because she conditions on every piece of information known to her).
In other words, I take the question to be precisely “What is the probability you assign to the coin having come up heads, taking into account your uncertainty as to what day it is.”
Ahhhh, I think I understand a bit better now. Am I right in thinking that your objection is not that you disapprove of relative frequency arguments in themselves, but that you believe the wrong relative frequency/frequencies is/are being used?
Right up until your reply prompted me to write a program to check your argument, I wasn’t thinking in terms of relative frequencies at all, but in terms of probability distributions.
I haven’t learned the rules for relative frequencies yet (by which I mean thing like “(don’t) include counts of variables that have a correlation of 1 in your denominator”), so I really have no idea.
Here is my program—which by the way agrees with neq1′s comment here, insofar as the “magic trick” which will recover 1⁄2 as the answer consists of commenting out the TTW line.
However, this seems perfectly nonsensical when transposed to my spreadsheet: zeroing out the TTW cell at all means I end up with a total probability mass less than 1. So, I can’t accept at the moment that neq1′s suggestion accords with the laws of probability—I’d need to learn what changes to make to my table and why I should make them.
from random import shuffle, randint
# individual cells
HMW = HTW = HMD = HTD = 0.0
TMW = TTW = TMD = TTD = 0.0
def run_experiment():
coin = randint(HEADS,TAILS)
if (coin == HEADS):
# wake Beauty on monday
# drug Beauty on Tuesday
if (coin == TAILS):
# wake Beauty on monday
# wake Beauty on Tuesday too
for i in range(flips):
print "Total samples where heads divided by total samples ~P(H):",(HMW+HTW+HMD+HTD)/(HMW+HTW+HMD+HTD+TMW+TTW+TMD+TTD)
print "Total samples where woken F(W):",HMW+HTW+TMW+TTW
print "Total samples where woken and heads F(W&H):", HMW+HTW
print "P(W&H)=P(W)P(H|W), so P(H|W)=lim F(W&H)/F(W)"
print "Total samples where woken and heads divided by sample where woken F(H|W):", (HMW+HTW)/(HMW+HTW+TMW+TTW)
Replying again since I’ve now looked at the spreadsheet.
Using my intuition (which says the answer is 1⁄2), I would expect P(Heads, Tuesday, Not woken) + P(Tails, Tuesday, Not woken) > 0, since I know it’s possible for Beauty to not be woken on Tuesday. But the ‘halfer “variant”’ sheet says P(H, T, N) + P(T, T, N) = 0 + 0 = 0, so that sheet’s way of getting 1⁄2 must differ from how my intuition works.
(ETA—Unless I’m misunderstanding the spreadsheet, which is always possible.)
Your program looks good here, your code looks a lot like mine, and I ran it and got ~1/2 for P(H) and ~1/3 for F(H|W). I’ll try and compare to your spreadsheet.
Which specific formulation of the Sleeping Beauty problem did you use to work things out? Maybe we’re referring to descriptions of the problem that use different wording; I’ve yet to read a description that’s convinced me that 1⁄2 is an answer to the wrong question. For example, here’s the wiki’s description asks
Personally, I believe that using the word ‘subjective’ doesn’t add anything here (it just sounds like a cue to think Bayesian-ishly to me, which doesn’t change the actual answer). So I read the question as asking for the probability of the coin landing tails given the experiment’s setup. As it’s asking for a probabiliy, I see it as wholly legitimate to answer it along the lines of ‘how many times on average the coin comes up heads per X,’ where X is one of the two choices you mentioned.
If you ignore the specification that it is Beauty’s subjective probability under discussion, the problem becomes ill-defined—and multiple answers become defensible—depending on whose perspective we take.
The word ‘subjective’ before the word ‘probability’ is empty verbiage to me, so (as I see it) it doesn’t matter whether you or I have subjectivity in mind. The problem’s ill-defined either way; ‘the specification that it is Beauty’s subjective probability’ makes no difference to me.
The perspective makes a difference:
“In other words, only in a third of the cases would heads precede her awakening. So the right answer for her to give is 1⁄3. This is the correct answer from Beauty’s perspective. Yet to the experimenter the correct probability is 1⁄2.”
I think it’s not the change in perspective or subjective identity making a difference, but instead it’s a change in precisely which probability is being asked about. The Wikipedia page unhelpfully conflates the two changes.
It says that the experimenter must see a probability of 1⁄2 and Beauty must see a probability of 1⁄3, but that just ain’t so; there is nothing stopping Beauty from caring about the proportion of coin flips that turn out to be heads (which is 1⁄2), and there is nothing stopping the experimenter from caring about the proportion of wakings for which the coin is heads (which is 1⁄3). You can change which probability you care about without changing your subjective identity and vice versa.
Let’s say I’m Sleeping Beauty. I would interpret the question as being about my estimate of a probability (‘credence’) associated with a coin-flipping process. Having interpreted the question as being about that process, I would answer 1⁄2 - who I am would have nothing to do with the question’s correct answer, since who I am has no effect on the simple process of flipping a fair coin and I am given no new information after the coin flip about the coin’s state.
In the original problem post, Beauty is asked a specific question, though—namely:
“What is your credence now for the proposition that our coin landed heads?”
That’s fairly clearly the PROBABILITY NOW of the coin having landed heads—and not the PROPORTION that turn out AT SOME POINT IN THE FUTURE to have landed heads.
Perspective can make a difference—because different observers have different levels of knowledge about the situation. In this case, Beauty doesn’t know whether it is Tuesday or not—but she does know that if she is being asked on Tuesday, then the coin came down tails—and p(heads) is about 0.
It’s not specific enough. It only asks for Beauty’s credence of a coin landing heads—it doesn’t tell her to choose between the credence of a coin landing heads given that it is flipped and the credence of a coin landing heads given a single waking. The fact that it’s Beauty being asked does not, in and of itself, mean the question must be asking the latter probability. It is wholly reasonable for Beauty to interpret the question as being about a coin-flipping process for which the associated probability is 1⁄2.
The addition of the word ‘now’ doesn’t magically ban you from considering a probability as a limiting relative frequency.
It’s not clear to me how this conditional can be informative from Beauty’s perspective, as she doesn’t know whether it’s Tuesday or not. The only new knowledge she gets is that she’s woken up; but she has an equal probability (i.e. 1) of getting evidence of waking up if the coin’s heads or if the coin’s tails. So Beauty has no more knowledge than she did on Sunday.
She has LESS knowledge than she had on Sunday in one critical area—because now she doesn’t know what day of the week it is. She may not have learned much—but she has definitely forgotten something—and forgetting things changes your estimates of their liklihood just as much as learning about them does.
That’s true.
I’m not as sure about this. It’s not clear to me how it changes the likelihoods if I sketch Beauty’s situation at time 1 and time 2 as
A coin will be flipped and I will be woken up on Monday, and perhaps Tuesday. It is Sunday.
I have been woken up, so a coin has been flipped. It is Monday or Tuesday but I do not know which.
as opposed to just
A coin will be flipped and I will be woken up on Monday, and perhaps Tuesday.
I have been woken up, so a coin has been flipped. It is Monday or Tuesday but I do not know which.
(Edit to clarify—the 2nd pair of statements is meant to represent roughly how I was thinking about the setup when writing my earlier comment. That is, it’s evident that I didn’t account for Beauty forgetting what day of the week it is in the way timtyler expected, but at the same time I don’t believe that made any material difference.)
I read it as “What is your credence”, which is supposed to be synonymous with “subjective probability”, which—and this is significant—I take to entail that Beauty must condition on having been woken (because she conditions on every piece of information known to her).
In other words, I take the question to be precisely “What is the probability you assign to the coin having come up heads, taking into account your uncertainty as to what day it is.”
Ahhhh, I think I understand a bit better now. Am I right in thinking that your objection is not that you disapprove of relative frequency arguments in themselves, but that you believe the wrong relative frequency/frequencies is/are being used?
Right up until your reply prompted me to write a program to check your argument, I wasn’t thinking in terms of relative frequencies at all, but in terms of probability distributions.
I haven’t learned the rules for relative frequencies yet (by which I mean thing like “(don’t) include counts of variables that have a correlation of 1 in your denominator”), so I really have no idea.
Here is my program—which by the way agrees with neq1′s comment here, insofar as the “magic trick” which will recover 1⁄2 as the answer consists of commenting out the TTW line.
However, this seems perfectly nonsensical when transposed to my spreadsheet: zeroing out the TTW cell at all means I end up with a total probability mass less than 1. So, I can’t accept at the moment that neq1′s suggestion accords with the laws of probability—I’d need to learn what changes to make to my table and why I should make them.
Replying again since I’ve now looked at the spreadsheet.
Using my intuition (which says the answer is 1⁄2), I would expect P(Heads, Tuesday, Not woken) + P(Tails, Tuesday, Not woken) > 0, since I know it’s possible for Beauty to not be woken on Tuesday. But the ‘halfer “variant”’ sheet says P(H, T, N) + P(T, T, N) = 0 + 0 = 0, so that sheet’s way of getting 1⁄2 must differ from how my intuition works.
(ETA—Unless I’m misunderstanding the spreadsheet, which is always possible.)
Yeah, that “Halfer variant” was my best attempt at making sense of the 1⁄2 answer, but it’s not very convincing even to me anymore.
That program is simple enough that you can easily compute expectations of your 8 counts analytically.
Your program looks good here, your code looks a lot like mine, and I ran it and got ~1/2 for P(H) and ~1/3 for F(H|W). I’ll try and compare to your spreadsheet.