I consider myself a skeptic empiricist, to the extent I can, for it’s a difficult view to hold.
I don’t think this community or Eliezer’s ideas are so, they are fundamentally rational:
Timeless decision theory
Assumptions about experimental perfection that lead to EZs incoherent rambling on physics
Everything that’s part of the AI doomsday cult views
These are highly rational things, I suspect steming from a pre school “intelligence is useful” prior that most people failed to introspect, and that is pretty correct unless taken to an extreme. But it’s reasoning from that uncommon a prior (after al empiricists also start from something, it’s just that their starting point is one that’s commonly shared by all or most humans, e.g. obvious seen features), and other like it, that lead to the sequences and to most discussion on LW.
Which is not to say that it’s bad, I’ve personally come to believe it’s as ok as any religion, but it shouldn’t be confused with empiricism and empiricists methods.
I consider myself a skeptic empiricist, to the extent I can, for it’s a difficult view to hold.
I don’t think this community or Eliezer’s ideas are so, they are fundamentally rational:
Timeless decision theory
Assumptions about experimental perfection that lead to EZs incoherent rambling on physics
Everything that’s part of the AI doomsday cult views
These are highly rational things, I suspect steming from a pre school “intelligence is useful” prior that most people failed to introspect, and that is pretty correct unless taken to an extreme. But it’s reasoning from that uncommon a prior (after al empiricists also start from something, it’s just that their starting point is one that’s commonly shared by all or most humans, e.g. obvious seen features), and other like it, that lead to the sequences and to most discussion on LW.
Which is not to say that it’s bad, I’ve personally come to believe it’s as ok as any religion, but it shouldn’t be confused with empiricism and empiricists methods.
Well, when reading this :
Less Wrong & SSC ⇒ ACX clearly seem to me to be much closer to the empiricist side than the rationalist one ?