The death is part of life thing seems to me to be a wise thing to say. But I don’t agree. Death is the ultimate enemy. I would rather lose my sight permanently and for eternity than to die. But that is me. Concerning the quality over quantity thing I would say that it’s a question of circumstance. If you have a happy life. You want to increase the quantity if you have a mixed life probably you would want to increase the quality. I myself think I might be an exception in the sense that I am not being affected hugely by the decrease of socializing. I didn’t socialize much before the covid situation.
And that insight means the Repugnant Conclusion applies to safety measures and life extension. If interventions that reduce risk ALSO reduce value, the clear desirable end-state is maximum duration of minimum worth.
The death is part of life thing seems to me to be a wise thing to say. But I don’t agree. Death is the ultimate enemy. I would rather lose my sight permanently and for eternity than to die. But that is me. Concerning the quality over quantity thing I would say that it’s a question of circumstance. If you have a happy life. You want to increase the quantity if you have a mixed life probably you would want to increase the quality. I myself think I might be an exception in the sense that I am not being affected hugely by the decrease of socializing. I didn’t socialize much before the covid situation.
You are right death is only the enemy if your life has minimal suffering and somewhat enough pleasure.
And that insight means the Repugnant Conclusion applies to safety measures and life extension. If interventions that reduce risk ALSO reduce value, the clear desirable end-state is maximum duration of minimum worth.