Sapient means “wise”. Most people are not sapient.
Curious why people voted this down. It is correct. Please comment. Note that people don’t have a good feeling for what “sapient” means; it is preferred over “wise” only when people wish to be obscure. And using your species name as your criterion for having moral standing is rigging the game.
In any case, I am not looking for the difference between sentient and sapient. The Harry Potter chapter I’m responding to said -
I think you’re looking for the difference between Sentient and Sapient. The problem is that they are often conflated to make an awful mess of things.
Sapient means “wise”. Most people are not sapient.
Curious why people voted this down. It is correct. Please comment. Note that people don’t have a good feeling for what “sapient” means; it is preferred over “wise” only when people wish to be obscure. And using your species name as your criterion for having moral standing is rigging the game.
In any case, I am not looking for the difference between sentient and sapient. The Harry Potter chapter I’m responding to said -