Sapient means “wise”. Most people are not sapient.
Curious why people voted this down. It is correct. Please comment. Note that people don’t have a good feeling for what “sapient” means; it is preferred over “wise” only when people wish to be obscure. And using your species name as your criterion for having moral standing is rigging the game.
In any case, I am not looking for the difference between sentient and sapient. The Harry Potter chapter I’m responding to said -
Sapient means “wise”. Most people are not sapient.
Curious why people voted this down. It is correct. Please comment. Note that people don’t have a good feeling for what “sapient” means; it is preferred over “wise” only when people wish to be obscure. And using your species name as your criterion for having moral standing is rigging the game.
In any case, I am not looking for the difference between sentient and sapient. The Harry Potter chapter I’m responding to said -