Note that on Quirrell’s “Evil Overlord List”, Rule 34 (“I will not turn into a snake. It never helps.”) has been replaced by (translated from Parseltongue) “Become Animaguss. All ssensible people do, if can. Thuss, very rare.” (Per chapter 49)
Note that on Quirrell’s “Evil Overlord List”, Rule 34 (“I will not turn into a snake. It never helps.”) has been replaced by (translated from Parseltongue) “Become Animaguss. All ssensible people do, if can. Thuss, very rare.” (Per chapter 49)
It will be aesthetically unsatisfying if turning into a snake helps.
Note that on Quirrell’s “Evil Overlord List”, Rule 34 (“I will not turn into a snake. It never helps.”) has been replaced by (translated from Parseltongue) “Become Animaguss. All ssensible people do, if can. Thuss, very rare.” (Per chapter 49)
Or, “I will turn into a snake. It always helps.”
It’s a weird coincidence that the rule would have number 34.
Well, there are more than 33 rules. It’s not a particularly weird coincidence.
Not weird, perhaps, but rule 34 on Quirrel’s snake form is certainly creepy.