Over time, intuition starts to follow observations that you learned to make deliberatively. You start to think differently, wasting less thought on things you deemed irrelevant, noticing bias-relevant characteristics of experience, feeling the meta-understanding of facts and automatically correcting. Being aware of the question “Why do I believe what I believe? Why do I do what I do?” enriches experience through playing with models that seek to answer it. When you learn a new language, you start with deliberate effort, compensating for the lack of knowledge and experience, not able to see past the surface no matter the effort. But in time, a new language becomes part of you, all its richness at your fingertips.
@Roland: Over time, intuition starts to follow observations that you learned to make deliberatively. You start to think differently, wasting less thought on things you deemed irrelevant, noticing bias-relevant characteristics of experience, feeling the meta-understanding of facts and automatically correcting. Being aware of the question “Why do I believe what I believe? Why do I do what I do?” enriches experience through playing with models that seek to answer it. When you learn a new language, you start with deliberate effort, compensating for the lack of knowledge and experience, not able to see past the surface no matter the effort. But in time, a new language becomes part of you, all its richness at your fingertips.