Which means that the epistemic model was flawed with high probability.
You are insisting that the flawed model is simpler that the correct one. This may be true for certain states of evidence where AIXI is not convinced that Omega works as advertised, but you haven’t shown that this is true for all possible states of evidence.
Yes, AIXI’s epistemic model will be flawed. This is necessarily true because AIXI is not capable of coming up with the true model of Newcomb’s problem, which is one in which its action and Omega’s prediction of its action share a common cause. Since AIXI isn’t capable of having a self-model, the only way it could possibly replicate the behaviour of the true model is by inserting retrocausality and/or magic into its environment.
They may be more complex only up to a small constant overhead (how many bits does it take to include a condition “if OmegaPrediction != NextAction then loop forever”?), therefore, a constant amount of evidence should be sufficient to select them.
I’m not even sure AIXI is capable of considering programs of this kind, but even if it is, what kind of evidence can AIXI have received that would justify the condition “if OmegaPrediction != NextAction then loop forever”? What evidence would justify such a model over a strictly simpler version without that condition?
Essentially, you’re arguing that rather than coming up with a correct model of its environment (e.g. one in which Omega makes a prediction on the basis of the AIXI equation), AIXI will somehow make up for its inability to self-model by coming up with an inaccurate and obviously false retrocausal/magical model of its environment instead.
However, I don’t see why this would be the case. It’s quite clear that either Omega has already predicted one-boxing, or Omega has already predicted two-boxing. At the very least, the evidence should narrow things down to models of either kind, although I think that AIXI should easily have sufficient evidence to work out which of them is actually true (that being the two-boxing one).
Yes, AIXI’s epistemic model will be flawed. This is necessarily true because AIXI is not capable of coming up with the true model of Newcomb’s problem, which is one in which its action and Omega’s prediction of its action share a common cause. Since AIXI isn’t capable of having a self-model, the only way it could possibly replicate the behaviour of the true model is by inserting retrocausality and/or magic into its environment.
I’m not even sure AIXI is capable of considering programs of this kind, but even if it is, what kind of evidence can AIXI have received that would justify the condition “if OmegaPrediction != NextAction then loop forever”? What evidence would justify such a model over a strictly simpler version without that condition?
Essentially, you’re arguing that rather than coming up with a correct model of its environment (e.g. one in which Omega makes a prediction on the basis of the AIXI equation), AIXI will somehow make up for its inability to self-model by coming up with an inaccurate and obviously false retrocausal/magical model of its environment instead.
However, I don’t see why this would be the case. It’s quite clear that either Omega has already predicted one-boxing, or Omega has already predicted two-boxing. At the very least, the evidence should narrow things down to models of either kind, although I think that AIXI should easily have sufficient evidence to work out which of them is actually true (that being the two-boxing one).