I prefer text to speech too. But it doesn’t have to be one or the other.
I find both to be complementary, and I feel that the few times that I’ve seen Eliezer speak (at Singularity Summit, BHTV, etc) have made him more “real” to me and added something to my reading of his texts.
I just want more of that, I guess.
Update: Just to be clear, are you saying you would like a Q&A but in text format instead of video, or that you don’t want a Q&A at all and prefer the usual blog posts?
I prefer text to speech too. But it doesn’t have to be one or the other.
I find both to be complementary, and I feel that the few times that I’ve seen Eliezer speak (at Singularity Summit, BHTV, etc) have made him more “real” to me and added something to my reading of his texts.
I just want more of that, I guess.
Update: Just to be clear, are you saying you would like a Q&A but in text format instead of video, or that you don’t want a Q&A at all and prefer the usual blog posts?