I was buttonholed by a man whose name tag read MICHAEL VASSAR, METAMED research.… “What did you think of that talk?” he asked, without introducing himself. “Disorganized, wasn’t it?” A theory of everything followed...
Vassar has a tendency to monologue. And a lot of what he says comes off as crazy at first blush. You get the impression he’s just throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks. Usually I find monologuers annoying, but I find Michael fascinating. It seems our author was similarly seduced.
… My brain hurt. I backed away and headed home. But Vassar had spoken like no one I had ever met, and after Kurzweil’s keynote the next morning, I sought him out.
What about Vassanation? That one would be pronounced slightly differently, but would also work as the name for the push to make a geographically remote rationalist colony.
I enjoyed this opportunity to relive being Vassar’d.
For anyone else going through withdrawal:
And then I realized that my level of agreement was inversely proportional to my knowledge of the subject.
I wonder if it’s the case that Vassar’s talent consists mainly of convincing people, in person, that he is very talented.
What does “Vassar’d” mean?
It’s this:
Vassar has a tendency to monologue. And a lot of what he says comes off as crazy at first blush. You get the impression he’s just throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks. Usually I find monologuers annoying, but I find Michael fascinating. It seems our author was similarly seduced.
I still want “Vascination” to catch on, but I don’t know how to spell it. Vasscination? Vassination?
I like the last one.
What about Vassanation? That one would be pronounced slightly differently, but would also work as the name for the push to make a geographically remote rationalist colony.
Vassasscination—something about fascination, assassination, and an unfortunate Swedish ship.
I, for one, would look forward more to being Evassarated.
My circle of friends refer to this as “vassarbation” or being “vassarbated on”