I was buttonholed by a man whose name tag read MICHAEL VASSAR, METAMED research.… “What did you think of that talk?” he asked, without introducing himself. “Disorganized, wasn’t it?” A theory of everything followed...
Vassar has a tendency to monologue. And a lot of what he says comes off as crazy at first blush. You get the impression he’s just throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks. Usually I find monologuers annoying, but I find Michael fascinating. It seems our author was similarly seduced.
… My brain hurt. I backed away and headed home. But Vassar had spoken like no one I had ever met, and after Kurzweil’s keynote the next morning, I sought him out.
It’s this:
Vassar has a tendency to monologue. And a lot of what he says comes off as crazy at first blush. You get the impression he’s just throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks. Usually I find monologuers annoying, but I find Michael fascinating. It seems our author was similarly seduced.