I think the thing missing here is “fierce about what”.
Being fierce about spacecrafts, osk therapy or ecological materials is basically good.
Being fierce about Unix, ml, rust or fpgas is morally neutral, but can be good or bad depending on the trends in society and your industry.
Being fierce about my little pony, debating people online, arguing for extremist political views, reading up on past wars, being a “”PUA”″ and playing starcraft is bad, bad of society, but more so for the individual which is slowly consumed by it.
Elon musk is annoying because he thinks he knows everything and is often to agressive in imposing his vision, everybody still like Elon musk.
But if someone acted like Elon musk, but couldn’t afford a home, raise a family, buy a Tesla, build cool hardware ,or go on wild vacations to Ibiza in order to hook up with models… we’d call that person delusional, we’d recommend they take some meds, do some CBT, see a therapist, get some hobbies and try to make friends.
I think the thing missing here is “fierce about what”.
Being fierce about spacecrafts, osk therapy or ecological materials is basically good.
Being fierce about Unix, ml, rust or fpgas is morally neutral, but can be good or bad depending on the trends in society and your industry.
Being fierce about my little pony, debating people online, arguing for extremist political views, reading up on past wars, being a “”PUA”″ and playing starcraft is bad, bad of society, but more so for the individual which is slowly consumed by it.
Elon musk is annoying because he thinks he knows everything and is often to agressive in imposing his vision, everybody still like Elon musk.
But if someone acted like Elon musk, but couldn’t afford a home, raise a family, buy a Tesla, build cool hardware ,or go on wild vacations to Ibiza in order to hook up with models… we’d call that person delusional, we’d recommend they take some meds, do some CBT, see a therapist, get some hobbies and try to make friends.