More fanfiction? Served up by a butter yellow pegasus? Don’t mind if I do. (I spent a whole month of my summer reading 5 million words of fanfiction. It wasn’t enough, but after a solid month it is really hard to justify reading more...)
I’ll definitely give Mysterous Answers another look, and also see what that Credence Game is all about. My current methodology has been similar to browsing TVtropes: click the first article that catches my attention, then click all of the new links. I then save the links for later after I’ve browsed enough for the day. It is like a human based web crawling algorithm.
More fanfiction? Served up by a butter yellow pegasus? Don’t mind if I do. (I spent a whole month of my summer reading 5 million words of fanfiction. It wasn’t enough, but after a solid month it is really hard to justify reading more...)
I’ll definitely give Mysterous Answers another look, and also see what that Credence Game is all about. My current methodology has been similar to browsing TVtropes: click the first article that catches my attention, then click all of the new links. I then save the links for later after I’ve browsed enough for the day. It is like a human based web crawling algorithm.
Thank you. I suspect I’ll like it here.