I do plan on writing a series of posts on nutrition, exercise, and general health that are actionable with good recommendations.
Don’t expect it to generate any less controversy. I think it was Dennett who said that everyone thinks they’re experts on consciousness because it’s such a constant part of their lives, which makes it difficult for them to respect an expert philosopher on the topic. Well, everyone’s an expert on moving their bodies and stuffing food in their mouth and gaining or losing weight too. Giving them advice is a violation of their expertise, unless they’re looking for advice.
I think it was Dennett who said that everyone thinks they’re experts on consciousness because it’s such a constant part of their lives, which makes it difficult for them to respect an expert philosopher on the topic.
Gravity is also a part of everyone’s lives. Yet people respect Newton.
Very special conditions have to exist for conversion of time spent into greater correctness. These conditions do exist for physics or physiology, but they do not seem to exist for philosophy of consciousness.
I think respect was a poor choice of words to begin with. Perhaps people here don’t like Dennett, I don’t care much about him either.
If physicists tell laypeople something that contradicts their experience of gravity, like gravity affecting passage of time, some of them will have hard time accepting it. For laypeople, nutrition isn’t about physiology, and if their experience of weight loss for example contradicts expert advice, again they will have difficulty accepting it.
Change philosophy of consciousness to study of consciousness, and people would probably dismiss philosophers as well as neuroscientists if their findings didn’t fit their experience. I think many philosophers of consciousness cite neuroscientists, so their conditions are pretty special too.
Don’t expect it to generate any less controversy. I think it was Dennett who said that everyone thinks they’re experts on consciousness because it’s such a constant part of their lives, which makes it difficult for them to respect an expert philosopher on the topic. Well, everyone’s an expert on moving their bodies and stuffing food in their mouth and gaining or losing weight too. Giving them advice is a violation of their expertise, unless they’re looking for advice.
Gravity is also a part of everyone’s lives. Yet people respect Newton.
Very special conditions have to exist for conversion of time spent into greater correctness. These conditions do exist for physics or physiology, but they do not seem to exist for philosophy of consciousness.
I think respect was a poor choice of words to begin with. Perhaps people here don’t like Dennett, I don’t care much about him either.
If physicists tell laypeople something that contradicts their experience of gravity, like gravity affecting passage of time, some of them will have hard time accepting it. For laypeople, nutrition isn’t about physiology, and if their experience of weight loss for example contradicts expert advice, again they will have difficulty accepting it.
Change philosophy of consciousness to study of consciousness, and people would probably dismiss philosophers as well as neuroscientists if their findings didn’t fit their experience. I think many philosophers of consciousness cite neuroscientists, so their conditions are pretty special too.