we may adopt never interrupt someone when they’re doing something you want, even for the wrong reason.
Don’t take this too far though; calling out bullshit may still be valuable even if it’s bullshit that temporarily supports “your side”: ideally doing so helps raise the sanity waterline overall, and more cynically, bullshit may support your opponents tomorrow and you’ll be more credible calling it bullshit then if you also do so today.
But in this exact case, banning GoF seems good and also not using taxpayer dollars on negative-EV things seems good, so these Republicans are just correct this time.
This is true, too. Perhaps we can refine it as never interrupt someone when they’re doing something you want, unless their reasons would incur other damage—this lets us ban GoF while only caring about taxpayer dollars (true but not the main reason) while avoiding banning GoF for, say, pwning the Democrats (bad if we start doing more things to pwn the Democrats).
Don’t take this too far though; calling out bullshit may still be valuable even if it’s bullshit that temporarily supports “your side”: ideally doing so helps raise the sanity waterline overall, and more cynically, bullshit may support your opponents tomorrow and you’ll be more credible calling it bullshit then if you also do so today.
But in this exact case, banning GoF seems good and also not using taxpayer dollars on negative-EV things seems good, so these Republicans are just correct this time.
This is true, too. Perhaps we can refine it as never interrupt someone when they’re doing something you want, unless their reasons would incur other damage—this lets us ban GoF while only caring about taxpayer dollars (true but not the main reason) while avoiding banning GoF for, say, pwning the Democrats (bad if we start doing more things to pwn the Democrats).