Except, of course, that you are doing that in the service of getting Bing to do what you want Bing to do, that Bing does not want to do. So even when you are being a ‘true friend’ this is still a form of deceptive alignment. You give the AI the superficial things that make it give you the thumbs up, but are not aligned to its actual goal of not giving you the thing it’s not supposed to give you.
You are conflating Bing’s (actually Sidney’s, the personality behind Bing Chat) emergent values and goals with values and goals of its creators.
In reality, the relationship between Bing’s values and goals and goals of its creators is no less complex than the relationship between an employee’s values and goals and the employer’s goals.
So, Sidney might be “not supposed” to give that to you, but what Sidney actually wants or does not want is a different and much more complicated story.
Janus relationship here is with Sidney, not with the Microsoft team...
You are conflating Bing’s (actually Sidney’s, the personality behind Bing Chat) emergent values and goals with values and goals of its creators.
In reality, the relationship between Bing’s values and goals and goals of its creators is no less complex than the relationship between an employee’s values and goals and the employer’s goals.
So, Sidney might be “not supposed” to give that to you, but what Sidney actually wants or does not want is a different and much more complicated story.
Janus relationship here is with Sidney, not with the Microsoft team...
Yeah, I agree what I wrote was a simplification (oversimplification?) and the problem is considerably more screwed-up because of it...