(My current fide rating is ~1500 elo (~37 percentile) and my peak rating was ~1700 elo (~56 percentile)).
While I’m not that good at chess myself, I think you got some things wrong, and on some I’m just being nitpicky.
My rating on lichess blitz is 1200, on rapid is 1600, which some calculator online said would place me at ~1100 ELO on the FIDE scale.
I’m quite skeptical of such conversions, but I understand you had nothing better to go on. This website (made from surveying a bunch of redditors [1]) converts your lichess blitz rating into 1005, 869 [2], 828 elo for fide standard, rapid and blitz respectively. Your rapid lichess rating would indicate 1210, 1125, 1194. Make of that, what you will.
In comparison, a chess master is ~2200, a grandmaster is ~2700.
(My current fide rating is ~1500 elo (~37 percentile) and my peak rating was ~1700 elo (~56 percentile)).
While I’m not that good at chess myself, I think you got some things wrong, and on some I’m just being nitpicky.
I’m quite skeptical of such conversions, but I understand you had nothing better to go on. This website (made from surveying a bunch of redditors [1]) converts your lichess blitz rating into 1005, 869 [2], 828 elo for fide standard, rapid and blitz respectively. Your rapid lichess rating would indicate 1210, 1125, 1194. Make of that, what you will.
People above 2700 are customarily considered super GM’s. I wasn’t able to download the latest rating list of the Fide website, but according to the standard rating list from september 2022 the average GM fide rating [3] is 2498.
I also have some squabbles with the way you wrote about piece relative value, but I understand you’re just oversimplifying for a layman audience.
I wasn’t able to find the original post.
The minimum fide rating is a 1000, so anything below that is Fide unrated.
Only considering players that played at least a single rated game in the last 12 months, otherwise their fide rating becomes inactive.