If an AI is smart enough that it takes a military force to stop it, the AI is probably also smart enough to avoid antagonizing that force, and / or hiding out in a way that a military can’t find.
Also, there are a lot of things that militaries and governments could do, if they had the will and ability to coordinate with each other effectively. What they would do is a different question.
How many governments, when faced with even ironclad evidence of a rogue AI on the loose, would actually choose to intervene, and then do so in an effective way? My prediction is that many countries would find reasons or rationalizations not to take action at all, while others would get mired in disagreement and infighting, or fail to deploy their forces in an actually effective way. And that’s before the AI itself has an opportunity to sow discord and / or form alliances.
(Though again, I still think an AI that is at exactly the level where military power is relevant is a pretty narrow and unlikely band.)
Why is it too late if it would take militaries to stop it? Couldn’t the militaries stop it?
If an AI is smart enough that it takes a military force to stop it, the AI is probably also smart enough to avoid antagonizing that force, and / or hiding out in a way that a military can’t find.
Also, there are a lot of things that militaries and governments could do, if they had the will and ability to coordinate with each other effectively. What they would do is a different question.
How many governments, when faced with even ironclad evidence of a rogue AI on the loose, would actually choose to intervene, and then do so in an effective way? My prediction is that many countries would find reasons or rationalizations not to take action at all, while others would get mired in disagreement and infighting, or fail to deploy their forces in an actually effective way. And that’s before the AI itself has an opportunity to sow discord and / or form alliances.
(Though again, I still think an AI that is at exactly the level where military power is relevant is a pretty narrow and unlikely band.)