Please don’t share human civilisation vulnerabilities online because a super awesome AI will get them anyway and human society might fortify against them.
The chance of them fortifying is slim. Our politicians are failing to deal with right wing take-overs and climate change already. Our political systems hackability has already been painfully played by Russia, with little consequence. Literal bees have an electoral process for new hive locations more resilient against propaganda and fake news than we do, it is honestly embarrassing.
The chance of a human actor exploiting such holes is larger than them being patched, I fear. The aversion to ruining your neighbouring countries financial system out of fear that they will ruin yours in response doesn’t just not hold for an AI, it also fails to hold for those ideologically against a working world finance system. If you are willing to doom your own community, or fail to recognise that such a move would bring your own community doom, as well, because you have mistaken the legitimate evils of capitalism for evidence that we’d all be much better off if there was no such thing as money, you may well engage in such acts. There are increasing niche groups who think having humanity is per se bad, government is per se bad, and economy is per se bad. I think the main limit here so far is that the kind of actor who would like to not have a world financial system is typically not the kind of actor with sufficient money and networking to start a large-scale money forging operation. But not every massively destructive act requires a lot of resources to pull off.
Please don’t share human civilisation vulnerabilities online because a super awesome AI will get them anyway and human society might fortify against them.
The chance of them fortifying is slim. Our politicians are failing to deal with right wing take-overs and climate change already. Our political systems hackability has already been painfully played by Russia, with little consequence. Literal bees have an electoral process for new hive locations more resilient against propaganda and fake news than we do, it is honestly embarrassing.
The chance of a human actor exploiting such holes is larger than them being patched, I fear. The aversion to ruining your neighbouring countries financial system out of fear that they will ruin yours in response doesn’t just not hold for an AI, it also fails to hold for those ideologically against a working world finance system. If you are willing to doom your own community, or fail to recognise that such a move would bring your own community doom, as well, because you have mistaken the legitimate evils of capitalism for evidence that we’d all be much better off if there was no such thing as money, you may well engage in such acts. There are increasing niche groups who think having humanity is per se bad, government is per se bad, and economy is per se bad. I think the main limit here so far is that the kind of actor who would like to not have a world financial system is typically not the kind of actor with sufficient money and networking to start a large-scale money forging operation. But not every massively destructive act requires a lot of resources to pull off.