So, finally caught up to reading this, and wow, this is great! This is exactly the kind of look at values I’ve been looking for over the last couple months, and it was sitting here the whole time. You do a great job of capturing the many ways in which I think we should be confused about values, and lay them all out so we can acknowledge each aspect. I think grappling with this confusion is key if we are to develop better models, because often from the confusion we can find our way through to better understanding when the confusion causes our conceptions to unravel enough that we can look fresh and start building up our understanding again.
So, finally caught up to reading this, and wow, this is great! This is exactly the kind of look at values I’ve been looking for over the last couple months, and it was sitting here the whole time. You do a great job of capturing the many ways in which I think we should be confused about values, and lay them all out so we can acknowledge each aspect. I think grappling with this confusion is key if we are to develop better models, because often from the confusion we can find our way through to better understanding when the confusion causes our conceptions to unravel enough that we can look fresh and start building up our understanding again.