Immediately upon finding myself in the room, I could be the single copy in scenario B or any of the 8 copies in scenario A. I think I would have to assign 8:1 odds for A:B. Either way, I have a 7ā8 chance of dying after a minute. After 1 minute, there is 1 clone in scenario A and 1ā8 of a clone in scenario B, so Iām still at 8:1 odds for A:B.
Immediately upon finding myself in the room, I could be the single copy in scenario B or any of the 8 copies in scenario A. I think I would have to assign 8:1 odds for A:B. Either way, I have a 7ā8 chance of dying after a minute. After 1 minute, there is 1 clone in scenario A and 1ā8 of a clone in scenario B, so Iām still at 8:1 odds for A:B.