In chess move notation ”?!” indicates an interesting but probably dubious move whereas ”!?” indicates an interesting and probably fruitful move (more or less). It’d be cool if we could import this into LW lingo somehow.
It’s like the difference between “Huh! Eh...” and “Huh! Um, hm; hmmm...”.
Also, ! is a good move, ? is a poor move, !! is a brilliant move and ?? is a straight-up blunder (which doesn’t necessarily mean it’s an obvious blunder; non-pros make at least a few moves in most games that pros would consider to be blunders, especially in the endgame). It’s a good language for quickly talking about differences of opinion about the motivatedness of an idea or conceptual attack. Someone might think one of your moves is ? where you think it’s !?, or ?? instead of ?!, or !! instead of !?. It’s not uncommon for moves you initially think are ?! to end up being ? or ?? upon further examination. Initially !?-seeming moves tend both ways.
In chess move notation ”?!” indicates an interesting but probably dubious move whereas ”!?” indicates an interesting and probably fruitful move (more or less). It’d be cool if we could import this into LW lingo somehow.
It’s like the difference between “Huh! Eh...” and “Huh! Um, hm; hmmm...”.
Also, ! is a good move, ? is a poor move, !! is a brilliant move and ?? is a straight-up blunder (which doesn’t necessarily mean it’s an obvious blunder; non-pros make at least a few moves in most games that pros would consider to be blunders, especially in the endgame). It’s a good language for quickly talking about differences of opinion about the motivatedness of an idea or conceptual attack. Someone might think one of your moves is ? where you think it’s !?, or ?? instead of ?!, or !! instead of !?. It’s not uncommon for moves you initially think are ?! to end up being ? or ?? upon further examination. Initially !?-seeming moves tend both ways.
Edited accordingly.
Haha! Thanks.