Yes true. Alright, suppose both cowboys have the same reaction speed, and Medium Bob chooses to try the strategy of copying Medium Fred’s strategy. Medium Bob sees the winning strategy of ‘shoot first’ too late for attempting to copy it to do any good.
The point I’m trying to make is that if your opponent has “eliminate opponent” as a workable strategy, then copying won’t save you.
Similarly, some non-final strategies also have an element of being useful only to the first mover, and thus are not valuable to copy.
For example, in m,n,k-games like Pente and Gomoku, or even sometimes in more complex strategy games like Go or Chess, a tempting strategy for weaker players is to try to copy the moves of the stronger player. But such a strategy always loses because you are necessarily always one move behind, even if symmetrical play is possible throughout. Usually at some point symmetrical play simply stops being possible.
Bringing this back to the specific situation of a Rogue AGI (or a human group aiming to destroy humanity that has the use of a powerful tool AI)… In the current strategic landscape, if that group had even 0.25% of the world’s resources, they would have a high chance of victory. The offense-defense balance is heavily offense favoring given current technology.
the strategy of “copy P2′s strategy” is a good strategy
because P2 had a good strategy, there exists a good strategy for P1
Strategy stealing assumption isn’t saying that copying strategies is a good strategy, it’s saying the possibility of copying means that there exists a strategy P1 can take that is just a good as P2.
Yes, that’s true. But I feel like the post doesn’t seem to address this.
The first-mover-only strategy I think the Rogue AI team is going to be considering as one of its top options is, “Wipe out humanity (except for a few loyal servants) with an single unblockable first strike”.
The copy-strategy that I think humanity should pursue here is, “Wipe out the Rogue AI with overwhelming force.”
Of course, this requires humanity to even know that the Rogue AI team exists and is contemplating a first strike. That’s not an easy thing to accomplish, because an earlier strategy that the Rogue AI team is likely to be pursuing is “hide from the powerful opposed group that currently has control over 99% of the world’s resources.”
I disagree that my point has been fully discussed, and even if it had been, I think it would be burying the lede to start with a paragraph like this:
“Suppose that 1% of the world’s resources are controlled by unaligned AI, and 99% of the world’s resources are controlled by humans. We might hope that at least 99% of the universe’s resources end up being used for stuff-humans-like (in expectation).”
Without following it up with something like:
“Of course, the strategic considerations here are such that an immoral actor with 1% could choose to eliminate the 99% and thus have 100% of the future resources. Furthermore, if the unaligned AI team had so far hidden its existence, then this option would be asymmetrical since the 99% of humans wouldn’t know that they even had an opponent or that they were in imminent danger of being wiped out. Thus, we’d need to assume a very different offense-defense balance, or a failure of secrecy, to expect anything other than 100% of future resources going to the unaligned AI team. The remainder of this post explores the specific branch of the hypothetical future in which elimination of the opponent (in either direction) is not an option for some unspecified reason.”
(The obvious disanalogy in this situation is that slow-finger bob didn’t really have 1⁄2 of the power/resources in this situation.)
Yes true. Alright, suppose both cowboys have the same reaction speed, and Medium Bob chooses to try the strategy of copying Medium Fred’s strategy. Medium Bob sees the winning strategy of ‘shoot first’ too late for attempting to copy it to do any good.
The point I’m trying to make is that if your opponent has “eliminate opponent” as a workable strategy, then copying won’t save you.
Similarly, some non-final strategies also have an element of being useful only to the first mover, and thus are not valuable to copy.
For example, in m,n,k-games like Pente and Gomoku, or even sometimes in more complex strategy games like Go or Chess, a tempting strategy for weaker players is to try to copy the moves of the stronger player. But such a strategy always loses because you are necessarily always one move behind, even if symmetrical play is possible throughout. Usually at some point symmetrical play simply stops being possible.
Bringing this back to the specific situation of a Rogue AGI (or a human group aiming to destroy humanity that has the use of a powerful tool AI)… In the current strategic landscape, if that group had even 0.25% of the world’s resources, they would have a high chance of victory. The offense-defense balance is heavily offense favoring given current technology.
It’s important to distinguish between:
the strategy of “copy P2′s strategy” is a good strategy
because P2 had a good strategy, there exists a good strategy for P1
Strategy stealing assumption isn’t saying that copying strategies is a good strategy, it’s saying the possibility of copying means that there exists a strategy P1 can take that is just a good as P2.
Yes, that’s true. But I feel like the post doesn’t seem to address this.
The first-mover-only strategy I think the Rogue AI team is going to be considering as one of its top options is, “Wipe out humanity (except for a few loyal servants) with an single unblockable first strike”.
The copy-strategy that I think humanity should pursue here is, “Wipe out the Rogue AI with overwhelming force.”
Of course, this requires humanity to even know that the Rogue AI team exists and is contemplating a first strike. That’s not an easy thing to accomplish, because an earlier strategy that the Rogue AI team is likely to be pursuing is “hide from the powerful opposed group that currently has control over 99% of the world’s resources.”
I think it does address and discuss this, see items 4, 8 and 11.
I’m sympathetic to disagreeing with Paul overall, but it’s not as though these considerations haven’t been discussed.
I disagree that my point has been fully discussed, and even if it had been, I think it would be burying the lede to start with a paragraph like this:
Without following it up with something like:
“Of course, the strategic considerations here are such that an immoral actor with 1% could choose to eliminate the 99% and thus have 100% of the future resources. Furthermore, if the unaligned AI team had so far hidden its existence, then this option would be asymmetrical since the 99% of humans wouldn’t know that they even had an opponent or that they were in imminent danger of being wiped out. Thus, we’d need to assume a very different offense-defense balance, or a failure of secrecy, to expect anything other than 100% of future resources going to the unaligned AI team. The remainder of this post explores the specific branch of the hypothetical future in which elimination of the opponent (in either direction) is not an option for some unspecified reason.”