Yes, but at least I want to lift off the albatross of having to avoid replying her comments (and her mine) even when it adds to the discussion and is not specifically directed at her. The advice she’s given in this article (and past ones) show she believes herself to be an expert on this, but won’t take even this reasonable step.
Yes, but at least I want to lift off the albatross of having to avoid replying her comments (and her mine) even when it adds to the discussion.
In my opinion, you are a poor judge of when a reply to Alicorn’s comments will add to a discussion. Your judgment seems to me to be biased strongly in favor of deciding to reply to Alicorn’s comments so as to highlight what you see as their shortcomings, possibly because you wish to lower her status. Thus, what you see as a useful contribution might be seen by others as the latest in a series of unwarranted snarky put-downs.
Therefore, if your primary desire is to discuss general issues that Alicorn also contributes to, you should take great pains to make it clear that you are not attempting to interact with Alicorn, much less disparage her. Concretely, this means that you would:
(1) not address Alicorn in the second person
(2) not state or imply that Alicorn’s posts are worthless or nearly worthless
(3) not ask, directly or indirectly, what Alicorn’s opinion on a subject is
but would instead
(4) make assertions about an abstract topic, using the third person
(5) use polite phrases like “no offense,” “nothing personal,” or “in my opinion”
(6) ask for the opinion of other LW commenters in general or for the opinion of specific named LWers who you get along with.
Minor note- the phrases “nothing personal” and “no offense” can often have the exact opposite of the intended result. Tthey can come across as condescending and very often when people use them they really are trying to be offensive, although they may not realize it. (A relevant quote from me from about 10 years ago “No offense, but the only thing saving that argument from being completely stupid is that sections of it are incoherent.” (Yes, I’d like to think I don’t say things like that now)). And “in my opinion” is very rarely useful unless the point being made is that one is a subject matter expert. It also personalizes things unnecessarily in the same way that the 2nd person does, just to a lesser extent.
In my opinion, you are a poor judge of when a reply to Alicorn’s comments will add to a discussion. Your judgment seems to me to be biased strongly in favor of deciding to reply to Alicorn’s comments so as to highlight what you see as their shortcomings, possibly because you wish to lower her status.
It probably appears that way because in all the cases since ~Nov ’09 when I have a substantive reply to an Alicorn comment, I just don’t make it because of this ban. So all the remaining ones you see will be less engaging and productive. Hey—maybe we should lift that ban … oh, wait.
Therefore, if your primary desire is to discuss general issues that Alicorn also contributes to, you should take great pains to make it clear that you are not attempting to interact with Alicorn, much less disparage her.
I feel I have already demonstrated mastery of this in such comments as these. I don’t see how any reasonable person would find those offensive, even as they violate your extensive standards.
As for your (1) to (4) -- yeah, that’s an inconvenient, ridiculous set of hoops to jump through, which is why I want to get to the root of our disagreement, and eliminate the need to have to walk through a minefield to exchange ideas. Why doesn’t Alicorn want the same? You tell me.
I am not going to vote on or address the content of this post because, in my opinion, it engages in doublespeak and straw-manning. I have a blanket policy of not responding to such tactics on an Internet forum. I am extremely unlikely to make further public comments on the Alicorn-SilasBarta dispute(s).
The advice she’s given in this article (and past ones) show she believes herself to be an expert on this, but won’t take even this reasonable step.
She is not claiming to be an expert on recognizing when it would be good to like someone. Here is her claim of knowledge:
As such, it’s very handy to be able to like someone you want to like deliberately when it doesn’t happen by itself. There are three basic components to liking someone on purpose. . . .
There is really no contradiction or hypocrisy here unless you are someone whom she wants to like deliberately.
It’s not necessary that I be someone she wants to like; the advice is just as relevant for canceling out dislike. And the extensive demands she makes out of that dislike suggest she doesn’t actually use this advise in at least one clear case where the dislike is having severe consequences.
Seriously, if the mere sight of a comment of mine replying to her—no matter what it says, no matter how impersonal—causes “undesirable peripheral psychological effects”, effects that must be elaborately justified by others in order for her to consider enduring them … you fill in the blank.
Seriously, if the mere sight of a comment of mine replying to her—no matter what it says, no matter how impersonal
Look, I don’t claim to know the entire history of Silas v Alicorn… but I think you would have a much easier time making your case if the comments you made in this very thread hadn’t been so unnecessarily antagonistic.
Alright, so having been convinced I have something important to add, you decide that whatever I did to get you to that point was inappropriate. Fair enough.
But tell me, where would be the appropriate place to point out that this Alicorn is completely different from the one I’ve come to know? As far as possible from where she promotes her deep wisdom? Or near?
Rhetorical question: Is here the best place to bring up the failures of her advice?
Non-rhetorical question.If I have evidence that suggests Alicorn acts completely differently than implied by this article, what is the best way to go about it, that would have (potentially) convinced you of its merit?
Rhetorical question: Is here the best place to bring up the failures of her advice?
I’m not sure how this question is rhetorical, since it seems to have a perfectly straightforward answer: here would be a perfectly suitable place to bring up failures of her advice, if such failures actually existed.
We’ve made this point so many times now I feel silly even typing it again, but maybe one more time will do it: her advice has not failed. She wrote an article about how to go about intentionally liking someone. The fact that she’s chosen not to intentionally like you is not evidence that she is incapable of doing so in other cases, nor that the advice may not be useful to others.
Non-rhetorical question.If I have evidence that suggests Alicorn acts completely differently than implied by this article, what is the best way to go about it, that would have (potentially) convinced you of its merit?
Since she makes no claims about when or under what circumstances she makes use of the described method, the only thing I read the article to imply about her behavior is that she has had, on at least one occasion, some success in applying this method. So convincing me of the merit of the proposition that this is false would require documentary evidence of her entire life, exhaustively showing a complete absence of any instance of success with this method. Yes, that’s a tall order, but you’re the one who’s trying to prove a negative.
She wrote an article about how to go about intentionally liking someone. The fact that she’s chosen not to intentionally like you is not evidence that she is incapable of doing so in other cases, nor that the advice may not be useful to others.
Isn’t Alicorn choosing not to try to like him based on an existing negative impression of him? In other word, she has decided not to try to like him… because she doesn’t like him in the first place...? Isn’t this exactly the kind of error that her post warns against? [Edit: I retract this particular paragraph for making assumptions about Alicorn’s motives that I can’t verify.]
I wonder if the whole breakdown between the two could have been minimized if Alicorn (and Silas) had been applying the type of strategies she mentions in the post from the start. She did mention avoiding the fundamental attribution error (emphasis mine):
When the person exhibits a characteristic, habit, or tendency you have on your list (or, probably just to aggravate you, turns out to have a new one), be on your guard immediately for the fundamental attribution error. It is especially insidious when you already dislike the person, and so it’s important to compensate consciously and directly for its influence. Elevate to conscious thought an “attribution story”, in which you consider a circumstance—not a character trait—which would explain this most recent example of bad behavior.
In this case, there actually is a relevant circumstance (which I attempt to recount ): Alicorn was kind of a jerk to him in both intellectual and personal ways without any retraction or apology. He followed her around being increasingly sarcastic, and she wrote him off as a jerk, resulting in him becoming even more abrasive. [Edit: This is my perception as an observer with (a) significant agreement with Silas on substantive issues, (b) significant disagreement with Silas’ communication style, and (c) significant disagreement with Alicorn on certain issues.]
Alicorn doesn’t seem to have acknowledged the circumstance in which Silas was being abrasive and sarcastic towards her. People recently seeing their exchanges won’t know the circumstance, either. As a result, his comments may read as more hostile to them, when to me many of them read like frustration at being treated unfairly by someone and then being made into the bad guy when attempting to seek redress with them. Yes, many of his comments sound flat-out hostile to me, too (and I’ve told Silas in the past to tone it down), but these mainly started appearing after communication between the two of them had broken down, which seems a lot due to communication errors on Alicorn’s end, also.
When judging how much of a jerk someone is and deciding whether it’s worth trying to like them, it’s probably an example of the fundamental attribution error to judge them a jerk for being consistently sarcastic to you after you were a jerk to them and didn’t apologize. Alicorn’s assessment of Silas seems, to a large degree, a self-fulfilling prophecy (which also implies that there is a degree to which Silas’ sarcasm level isn’t justified by the way Alicorn treated him… though I do have sympathy for him for reasons I explain below).
Now, normally, I wouldn’t feel motivated to point a contradiction I perceived between a top-level post, and the behavior of a poster. I tend to treat people’s arguments in isolation. However, I’m not in Silas’ shoes. I know that I would feel frustrated and helpless if I was treated unfairly by a higher status member of a community, and then notice that person receiving acclaim from the community for advocating virtues that seemed absent in their treatment of me. I would start to feel a bit bullied if, when I had tried to point out the contradiction at various points and seek some updating from the high status person, members of the community sided with the high status person, rather than with me. I hope I would be able to just get over it, or communicate my frustration in a constructive way that put people on my side.
I have a decent level of social support, so I can handle someone giving me poor advice that is ignorant of my experience. I can handle people telling me something like what Alicorn told Silas (see my first link): that my female friends must not like me very much because they aren’t introducing me to more women. I could even handle someone saying: “If you’d like to add a less polite data point, I’d neither date you nor introduce you to my single friends based on what little I know of you” (Alicorn’s words to Silas, which were not justified by anything he had said at that point).
To me, I can shrug these things off; they aren’t a big deal… because I have social support. But it’s important to realize that to someone who has a below average level of social support, such presumptions are a big deal. People, including me, kept telling Silas to “get over” his issues with Alicorn, but perhaps what she said might have been disproportionately hurtful or angering to him than it would have been to any of us, and consequently harder to just “get over.” Silas still should have followed our advice, but our judgments of him based on the fact that he didn’t must take this potential background into account.
For people with lower social support, being asked to “get over it” can trigger past issues of bullying: being bullied by a more popular bully and then being told that it isn’t a big deal, and people judging you as more uncool for making a big deal about it than they judge the bully uncool for originally mistreating you. I am not saying that Alicorn was bullying Silas (though she may owe him some sort of apology or retraction), only presenting a hypothesis that her treatment of him, and our insistence that he “get over it” without any kind of apology or retraction from her, could well trigger a less-than-graceful response from someone with lower than average social support who have suffered interpersonal maltreatment in the past. If Silas belongs to such a class of people, it would explain a lot of the sarcasm and abrasiveness he has been flinging around towards people.
The ability to “just get over” people being a jerk to you and devaluing your social desirability is a privilege of people with social support. Since many of the people here might experience lower-than-average levels of social support, it’s a bad precedent on LessWrong if the norms allow someone to be a jerk to someone with a low level of social support, and then write the victim off as a jerk because they get mad and don’t respond as gracefully as someone with high social support would. It’s also a bad norm to allow poster A to be a jerk to poster B, and then accept that poster A can demand that poster B stop replying to them after poster B acts like a jerk in return.
For various reasons, Alicorn herself may not have realized that Silas felt maligned in that original discussion, or that she owed him an apology/retracion, and perhaps thought the updating she showed towards my explanation of where he was coming from was enough (again, see the first post I link to). As a result, she might have been mystified by why he was consistently being sarcastic to her, and imputed his behavior as a negative reflection of his character, such that he wasn’t worth communicating with or even trying to like. [Edit: Although these potential explanations of Alicorn’s thought processes are charitable, I acknowledge them as speculation.] This would be an example of the fundamental attribution error, even though it might have been an unknowing one.
Upvoted for being constructive and evenhanded. But I think a consensus has emerged that we should stop talking about this, or at least move it off this comment thread.
here would be a perfectly suitable place to bring up failures of her advice, if such failures actually existed.
Please reconcile your obvious advice with jimrandomh’s equally-obvious but opposite advice given here. Specifically, on the issue of whether I should have made a comment in this discussion that implicitly requests a response from Alicorn.
Moderators: please withdraw your upvotes from the parent until you can come up with a course of action that would have satisfied both kodos96 and jimrandomh’s constraints; otherwise, you’re venturing deep into politicsland.
Please reconcile your obvious advice with jimrandomh’s equally-obvious but opposite advice given here. Specifically, on the issue of whether I should have made a comment in this discussion that implicitly requests a response from Alicorn.
This is a fair point. Following jimrandomh’s advice would imply never criticizing Alicorn’s comments or posts. The letter of your “agreement” with Alicorn doesn’t require that, but jimrandomh’s advice does. I’ve upvoted this comment of yours and removed my upvote from jimrandomh’s. (I hadn’t upvoted kodos96′s.)
Merely being you and criticizing Alicorn ought not to be counted as pestering by this community. (Of course, certain kinds of criticism can count as pestering. And context, such as the poster’s identity, does count.)
Please reconcile your obvious advice with jimrandomh’s
My understanding of your agreement with Alicorn was that you were allowed to comment on each other’s top level posts, just not address each other directly. It may be that my understanding is incorrect (I don’t really care). The important part of what I said was the conditional, “if such failures actually existed.” If you’re pulling your claims of hypocrisy out of your ass, then there is no appropriate place for them.
Moderators: please withdraw your upvotes from the parent
My understanding of your agreement with Alicorn was that you were allowed to comment on each other’s top level posts, just not address each other directly. It may be that my understanding is incorrect (I don’t really care).
Well, it is indeed incorrect. The agreement’s not supposed to make sense—I found out the hard way what Alicorn is demanding.
The important part of what I said was the conditional, “if such failures actually existed.” If you’re pulling your claims of hypocrisy out of your ass, then there is no appropriate place for them.
Well, that’s subjective. If I have a good-faith suspicion of Alicorn not following this advice when in critical cases where it actually matters, surely, it obviously belongs here. Except that to jimrandomh, it obviously does. Which of these two contradictory obvious positions is right? And what inference should I draw from this kafkaesqueness?
If I have a good-faith suspicion of Alicorn not following this advice
… I don’t know how many more ways we can rephrase this till you get it: her advice is solely about how, not when or whether, to go about liking someone. So even if everything you’re saying is absolutely true, it does not refute the claims in the article.
Which of these two contradictory obvious positions is right?
Our positions aren’t contradictory. His is that you should refrain from commenting at all. Mine is that as long as you’re making personal accusations irrelevant to the OP, you should refrain from commenting. Since, in this case, you’re making personal accusations irrelevant to the OP, both our positions recommend the same course of action.
It’s not necessary that I be someone she wants to like; the advice is just as relevant for canceling out dislike.
Granted, her advice is also relevant to canceling out dislike of someone whom you’ve already decided that you don’t want to dislike. But since she evidently has not made that decision with regard to you, it wouldn’t be appropriate for her to use her advice in this case. The relationship that you two have is not in a state where her advice is relevant. If Alicorn started writing posts about when one ought to like someone, then your criticisms would be relevant.
But her advice here is just not relevant to cases where one has decided that one really ought to dislike the other person.
I have already provided more than enough reasons why, by her own actions, she reveals that she believes she loses significantly (note those psychological stresses) by not counteracting her hatred. When you start addressing those points, you’ll have a case.
As it stands, Alicorn speaks as if from a different world than the one any named witness has seen her in.
I have already provided more than enough reasons why, by her own actions, she reveals that she believes she loses significantly (note those psychological stresses) by not counteracting her hatred. When you start addressing those points, you’ll have a case.
Such a case would be for the claim that she ought not to like you. But I never made that claim, and I have no desire to make such a case. I like you and I think that she should, too.
But her wrong decision to dislike you does not imply that she is unqualified to give the advice in the OP, because the advice in the OP doesn’t concern the question of when one ought to dislike someone. The OP concerns the question of what to do after you have decided, by whatever means, that you ought not dislike someone whom you dislike.
Haven’t I shown that, by any reasonable measure—like the psychological stresses she claims (questionably) to get from merely noticing my comments—Alicorn ought to try to reverse this dislike, by her very own values?
Given that she does not apply the advice she gives here to this very real-world scenario, and I’m the only one so far with a name to go on record stating the impacts of these heuristics of engagement …
I too have observed a certain ironic discordance between some of Alicorn’s top level posts (including the luminosity series) and her observable behavior.
I’m actually am having a little trouble grasping your meaning with these questions. I agree that someone giving advice on (1) should have applied (1). Otherwise, they don’t have a justified claim to the knowledge in (1). But this is the case whether or not they demonstrate (2), which is why I’m confused by the wording of your question.
What I don’t get is why it is relevant if the advice-giver failed to realize that they should have applied (1) in some particular case, even if they ought to have known that they should have applied (1).
To give a gruesome example, a professional hitman might be able to give very good advice on how to kill someone you’ve decided to kill, even if his advice on when to decide to kill someone is spectacularly bad.
Similarly, your evaluation of Alicorn’s advice on how to like someone you’ve decided to like should be independent of your belief that she’s very bad at deciding when to like someone.
So that’s what your entire criticism amounts to? That maybe Alicorn just didn’t recognize this as an opportunity to use her skills, even as she goes through the terror of seeing my comments pop up all over the place?
That would kind of require you to believe that Alicorn was lying about the whole psychological stress thing, which is a spectacularly nasty thing to lie about. If you’re fine with that if it proves me wrong … I guess that’s a call you have to make.
That would kind of require you to believe that Alicorn was lying about the whole psychological stress thing. . .
I don’t follow this inference at all.
I would guess that she “didn’t recognize this as an opportunity to use her skills” because of the psychological stress.
That is, because of the psychological stress of interacting with you, she came to the mistaken conclusion that she ought not to like you, so she never tried to apply her advice. That would be my guess.
ETA: Maybe this is your reasoning (please confirm or deny): A person with the ability to choose to like anyone would choose to like everyone, especially the people that he or she really, really doesn’t like. This is because disliking someone is unpleasant, and it’s more unpleasant the more you dislike them. But liking someone is pleasant, so that is what someone with the power in the OP would choose to do. Therefore, someone who claims to have the power in the OP, but who also evidently doesn’t like someone, is probably lying or deluded.
Fourth time: the advice applies to canceling dislike, just as much as changing to like.
So, your position is now that Alicorn suffers psychological stress from seeing my name all over her favorite[1] discussion site, but feels this is just “something she has to live with” (though it has disadvantages of its own), becuase of the severe wrongness of turning off her dislike of me?
It’s okay to say “oops”.
Maybe this is your reasoning (please confirm or deny): A person with the ability to choose to like anyone would choose to like everyone, especially the people that he or she really, really doesn’t like. …
Not even close: I listed the reasons Alicorn unnecessarily adheres to a dislike that are specific to this situation, and how the unpleasantness can be good for and the site by switching to non-dislike … already it looks nothing like the reasoning you posited.
[1] please, please don’t nitpick this one—you get the point, I hope
So, your position is now that Alicorn suffers psychological stress from seeing my name all over her favorite[1] discussion site, but feels this is just “something she has to live with” (though it has disadvantages of its own), becuase of the severe wrongness of turning off her dislike of me?
Yes, I think that that is a fair description of my position. (ETA: However, the “severe wrongness” need not be moral wrongness. Humans often want to do unpleasant things and very much don’t want to do something that would increase their pleasure. It’s not all that unusual. Usually this is for moral reasons, as conventionally understood, but not always.)
Did you read my edit to my last comment? Does it capture your reasoning (with “like” replaced with “not dislike”, if you like)?
Cute, but considering how contorted your position has turned out to be, you can forgive me for wondering if you wanted to stick with it.
Yes, I think that that is a fair description of my position. (ETA: However, the “severe wrongness” need not be moral wrongness. Humans often want to do unpleasant things and very much don’t want to do something that would increase their pleasure. It’s not all that unusual. Usually this is for moral reasons, as conventionally understood, but not always.)
And that’s what I mean: on top of the already contorted position I attributed to you, you’re adding this moral-or-maybe-something else wrongness, which has no precedent in your earlier justifications. Do you think it’s probably one of the non-moral-wrongness things? Is that just a matter of terminology?
My earlier comment has been revised to respond to your addition, but it’s just an elaboration of “wtf? no”.
Do you take enjoyment in participating in these long, often repetitive arguments? Do you not find the antagonism consistently grating or stressful? If you have been wronged, surely from experience you can see that repeatedly bringing it up is simply not going to change anything. I’m curious as to whether this apparent futility bothers you in the same way that I know it would bother me.
Do you take enjoyment in participating in these long, often repetitive arguments?
Do you not find the antagonism consistently grating or stressful?
I do find the antagonism grating and/or stressful. (The same with questions posed in the negative, but I digress.)
If you have been wronged, surely from experience you can see that repeatedly bringing it up is simply not going to change anything.
It’s definitely going to change the cardinality of the set of non-anonymous people who can indepently confirm or disconfirm being on the receiving end of Alicorn’s wisdom, which is what I was mainly hoping for.
To your broader, implied query: I’m between a rock in a hard place. I’ve wanted to point out what a crock Alicorn’s supposed insight on the matter is since her luminosity series (this isn’t the first time she’s posted advice in direct contradiction of how all evidence reveals she handles situations). After about the ~8th article, I couldn’t let her go on promoting this two-faced act, so I spoke up.
No, I don’t enjoy becoming LW’s whipping boy every three months. But what can I say—no good deed goes unpunished.
(The same with questions posed in the negative, but I digress.)
This doesn’t work online, but Steve Rayhawk has cultivated the habit of consistently responding to questions in the negative with an affirmative response (‘Yes, I do not believe that’, or simply ‘Yes’) and thus I feel I do not have to sacrifice meaning for ease of conversational flow. I really wish this would become a more common disposition. Anyway, sorry for doing that.
I think you discount the possibility (I have no idea how probable it is, by the way) that Alicorn is actually a generally luminous and thoughtful person and that for some reason you seem to be an especially rare and difficult case for her. Maybe she has legitimate things to say to help people generally, even if she messed up (or you messed up for her) the dynamic between you two specifically. I know Alicorn. She can be critical, but she’s genuinely a good person. It could be that you’ve been wronged, but it could also be that this is an an atypical result for people who interact with Alicorn, as most of the evidence seems to suggest. Generalizing from one example, although it probably feels justified, might actually be the wrong thing to do here. It might be impossible for you, but I’d suggest letting it go. All of the writing time you’ve spent on comments in this thread could have been spent on a good post, which is your strong point. One should generally not spend their time optimizing for cold harshies.
I’m not generalizing from one example, and my reaction is not atypical. Looking at the moderation difference between Alicorn and HughRistik regarding her advice here, and the numerous other times she posts dating/meeting friends advice in the comments section (rather than as an article), it seems that most men here aren’t benefitting from what she has to say in their daily lives—though they may certainly find the advice intellectually stimulating.
I’m not generalizing from one example, and my reaction is not typical.
Point taken (and I think you meant atypical?). It’s funny, because I know Hugh and I know Alicorn, and I bet they’d make decent friends in person (if they haven’t met already at a Less Wrong meetup while I was on vacation or something). Anyway, your claim here seems way more reasonable than the dramatized ones above. (“I couldn’t let her go on promoting this two-faced act”.) It seems you have narrowed your argument specifically to relationship advice, in which case I’m much more tempted to agree that your point has merit. But I think her luminosity sequence got a lot of upvotes for a reason. I personally found some useful concepts in there, and looking at the comments it seems many others also discovered her ideas about luminosity to be useful. First, I don’t think shouting ‘hypocrisy’ is a good argument against the usefulness of a post; second, I don’t think that shouting ‘hypocrisy’, or attempting ad hominem attacks, is going to get you anywhere anyway. If you want to make people think Alicorn is a bad person, fine, but why the heck would you want to do that? Vengeance? It seems you take the more reasonable position that Alicorn might be being trusted as an expert where she lacks skill, but continuing to attack her in areas where skill has been demonstrated erodes Less Wrongers’ ability to believe you are acting in good faith.
Cute, but considering how contorted your position has turned out to be, you can forgive me for wondering if you wanted to stick with it.
Hmm. I thought that I laid it out very cleanly here.
And that’s what I mean: on top of the already contorted position I attributed to you, you’re adding this moral-or-maybe-something else wrongness, which has no precedent in your earlier justifications. Do you think it’s probably one of the non-moral-wrongness things? Is that just a matter of terminology?
I think that it’s probably moral wrongness, but I’m less certain, so I’m more cautious about attributing that view to her.
But, at any rate, I honestly don’t see the contortions to which you refer. Perhaps she would experience a certain increase in pleasure if she modified herself not to dislike you. If she has this power, but chooses not to use it, then you may conclude that she cares about something more than that pleasure. It’s sort of like how Ghandi wouldn’t take a pill to make himself like to kill people, even if he knew that he would have lots of opportunities to kill people at no cost. There is a very standard distinction between what you think you ought to do and what you think will give you the most pleasure. I would expect the inferential distance on LW for this to be very short. That is why I don’t see my position as contorted.
Give me just a little credit here: yes I do understand the difference between “this increases my pleasure” and “I should do this”; and yes, there should be low inferential distance on explaining such a point on LW. That’s wasn’t in dispute. What’s in dispute is how much contortion you have to go through to justify why that distinction would be relevant and applicable here (which even the contortion leaves out).
And you didn’t lay it out very cleanly in the linked comment: you just made one distinction that is a very small part of what you have to say to specify your position.
My view is that Alicorn probably perceives certain benefits from not disliking you, such as the ones you’ve enumerated. But evidently she also sees other costs from not disliking you (costs which are probably moral). In her estimation (which I think is incorrect) the costs outweigh the benefits. Therefore, she has chosen not to apply the advice in the OP.
What’s contorted about that? As I see it, I’m just taking her revealed preferences at face value, while giving her the benefit of the doubt that she has the powers described in the OP.
Not even close: I listed the reasons Alicorn unnecessarily adheres to a dislike that are specific to this situation, and how the unpleasantness can be good for and the site by switching to non-dislike … already it looks nothing like the reasoning you posited.
Okay, how about this*:
Alicorn knows** that she ought to like Silas. Therefore, if she had the power to like whomever she wanted, she would have chosen to like Silas. Since she hasn’t chosen to like Silas, she must not have the powers she claims in the OP. Therefore, she was deluded or lying when she wrote the OP, so we can dismiss her advice
* I’m honestly just trying to understand your view. I expect that my picture of your view is still wrong in significant respects. But the best way that I know to improve my understanding is to give you my picture so far, so that you can correct it. I am not trying to characterize your view for rhetorical purposes. Again, I know that my picture is probably wrong.
* It is not enough that she ought to know, any more than we should dismiss the hitman’s advice on how to kill just because he is so clearly wrong about when* to kill.
If you do get the distinction, do you recognize that Alicorn’s OP is entirely about (1), while your criticisms are entirely about (2)?
From the very first sentence the underlying premise supporting that ‘how’ is that the author can, in fact, do the thing in question. It isn’t presented as something known in theory, were that the case external evidence would be required, not implicit reference to personal experience. This being the case either a demonstrated strength in the area or a description of specific improvement in a weakness is required to give support to the ‘how to guide’ in question.
(The above is independent of whether Alicorn is hypocritical or otherwise a worthy subject of moral sanction. It is just a rejection of the claim of Tyrrell’s that observations of the poster is ‘entirely’ irrelevant to the credibility of the advice given. With extra rejection given to the condescending tone.)
From the very first sentence the underlying premise supporting that ‘how’ is that the author can, in fact, do the thing in question. It isn’t presented as something known in theory, were that the case external evidence would be required, not implicit reference to personal experience.
I don’t see what you’re saying here beyond what I myself said here, when I wrote,
I agree that someone giving advice on (1) should have applied (1). Otherwise, they don’t have a justified claim to the knowledge in (1).
To be a little more explicit, I meant “applied (1) successfully”. As I go on to say, this does not contradict the distinction between (1) and (2), because:
What I don’t get is why it is relevant if the advice-giver failed to realize that they should have applied (1) in some particular case, even if they ought to have known that they should have applied (1).
To give a gruesome example, a professional hitman might be able to give very good advice on how to kill someone you’ve decided to kill, even if his advice on when to decide to kill someone is spectacularly bad.
Similarly, your evaluation of Alicorn’s advice on how to like someone you’ve decided to like should be independent of your belief that she’s very bad at deciding when to like someone.
(I’m quoting myself at length here because someone downvoted me earlier for giving just a link to another comment when I thought that the other comment said all I would want to say.)
You go on to say,
This being the case either a demonstrated strength in the area or a description of specific improvement in a weakness is required to give support to the ‘how to guide’ in question.
I think that this is a form of asking for impossible evidence. Of course, the evidence you request is not really impossible. Alicorn could have given all sorts of identifying details of the people she forced herself to like, and she could have described at length the circumstances under which she did so.
However, it’s not reasonable to have expected her to do this in the OP. The social sanction against doing that kind of thing is too great, and with reason. It would not have helped the reception of her article to drag forth all of her grievances and peeves against someone, just to describe how she overcame all these issues and learned to like the person. To expect this of her is to have an unrealistic picture of human interaction.
Therefore, Alicorn’s lack of “description of specific improvement” is not Bayesian evidence against her ability to do what she advises, nor against the possibility that she has applied her advice with success. We just have to evaluate the plausibility of her hypothesis by other means, such as consistency with our prior knowledge and our own experimental tests.
With extra rejection given to the condescending tone.
My blunt tone is intended to be a sign of respect to Silas. One of the things that I admire about him is that, when he disagrees with someone, he says so plainly, often without expressing contempt (though not often enough). He does not obscure his position by softening it to save feelings. I extend to him the same courtesy.
Yes, but at least I want to lift off the albatross of having to avoid replying her comments (and her mine) even when it adds to the discussion and is not specifically directed at her. The advice she’s given in this article (and past ones) show she believes herself to be an expert on this, but won’t take even this reasonable step.
In my opinion, you are a poor judge of when a reply to Alicorn’s comments will add to a discussion. Your judgment seems to me to be biased strongly in favor of deciding to reply to Alicorn’s comments so as to highlight what you see as their shortcomings, possibly because you wish to lower her status. Thus, what you see as a useful contribution might be seen by others as the latest in a series of unwarranted snarky put-downs.
Therefore, if your primary desire is to discuss general issues that Alicorn also contributes to, you should take great pains to make it clear that you are not attempting to interact with Alicorn, much less disparage her. Concretely, this means that you would:
(1) not address Alicorn in the second person (2) not state or imply that Alicorn’s posts are worthless or nearly worthless (3) not ask, directly or indirectly, what Alicorn’s opinion on a subject is
but would instead
(4) make assertions about an abstract topic, using the third person (5) use polite phrases like “no offense,” “nothing personal,” or “in my opinion” (6) ask for the opinion of other LW commenters in general or for the opinion of specific named LWers who you get along with.
Minor note- the phrases “nothing personal” and “no offense” can often have the exact opposite of the intended result. Tthey can come across as condescending and very often when people use them they really are trying to be offensive, although they may not realize it. (A relevant quote from me from about 10 years ago “No offense, but the only thing saving that argument from being completely stupid is that sections of it are incoherent.” (Yes, I’d like to think I don’t say things like that now)). And “in my opinion” is very rarely useful unless the point being made is that one is a subject matter expert. It also personalizes things unnecessarily in the same way that the 2nd person does, just to a lesser extent.
It probably appears that way because in all the cases since ~Nov ’09 when I have a substantive reply to an Alicorn comment, I just don’t make it because of this ban. So all the remaining ones you see will be less engaging and productive. Hey—maybe we should lift that ban … oh, wait.
I feel I have already demonstrated mastery of this in such comments as these. I don’t see how any reasonable person would find those offensive, even as they violate your extensive standards.
As for your (1) to (4) -- yeah, that’s an inconvenient, ridiculous set of hoops to jump through, which is why I want to get to the root of our disagreement, and eliminate the need to have to walk through a minefield to exchange ideas. Why doesn’t Alicorn want the same? You tell me.
I am not going to vote on or address the content of this post because, in my opinion, it engages in doublespeak and straw-manning. I have a blanket policy of not responding to such tactics on an Internet forum. I am extremely unlikely to make further public comments on the Alicorn-SilasBarta dispute(s).
She is not claiming to be an expert on recognizing when it would be good to like someone. Here is her claim of knowledge:
There is really no contradiction or hypocrisy here unless you are someone whom she wants to like deliberately.
It’s not necessary that I be someone she wants to like; the advice is just as relevant for canceling out dislike. And the extensive demands she makes out of that dislike suggest she doesn’t actually use this advise in at least one clear case where the dislike is having severe consequences.
Seriously, if the mere sight of a comment of mine replying to her—no matter what it says, no matter how impersonal—causes “undesirable peripheral psychological effects”, effects that must be elaborately justified by others in order for her to consider enduring them … you fill in the blank.
Look, I don’t claim to know the entire history of Silas v Alicorn… but I think you would have a much easier time making your case if the comments you made in this very thread hadn’t been so unnecessarily antagonistic.
Alright, so having been convinced I have something important to add, you decide that whatever I did to get you to that point was inappropriate. Fair enough.
But tell me, where would be the appropriate place to point out that this Alicorn is completely different from the one I’ve come to know? As far as possible from where she promotes her deep wisdom? Or near?
I honestly have no idea what you’re trying to say here.
Rhetorical question: Is here the best place to bring up the failures of her advice?
Non-rhetorical question.If I have evidence that suggests Alicorn acts completely differently than implied by this article, what is the best way to go about it, that would have (potentially) convinced you of its merit?
I’m not sure how this question is rhetorical, since it seems to have a perfectly straightforward answer: here would be a perfectly suitable place to bring up failures of her advice, if such failures actually existed.
We’ve made this point so many times now I feel silly even typing it again, but maybe one more time will do it: her advice has not failed. She wrote an article about how to go about intentionally liking someone. The fact that she’s chosen not to intentionally like you is not evidence that she is incapable of doing so in other cases, nor that the advice may not be useful to others.
Since she makes no claims about when or under what circumstances she makes use of the described method, the only thing I read the article to imply about her behavior is that she has had, on at least one occasion, some success in applying this method. So convincing me of the merit of the proposition that this is false would require documentary evidence of her entire life, exhaustively showing a complete absence of any instance of success with this method. Yes, that’s a tall order, but you’re the one who’s trying to prove a negative.
Isn’t Alicorn choosing not to try to like him based on an existing negative impression of him? In other word, she has decided not to try to like him… because she doesn’t like him in the first place...? Isn’t this exactly the kind of error that her post warns against? [Edit: I retract this particular paragraph for making assumptions about Alicorn’s motives that I can’t verify.]
I wonder if the whole breakdown between the two could have been minimized if Alicorn (and Silas) had been applying the type of strategies she mentions in the post from the start. She did mention avoiding the fundamental attribution error (emphasis mine):
In this case, there actually is a relevant circumstance (which I attempt to recount ): Alicorn was kind of a jerk to him in both intellectual and personal ways without any retraction or apology. He followed her around being increasingly sarcastic, and she wrote him off as a jerk, resulting in him becoming even more abrasive. [Edit: This is my perception as an observer with (a) significant agreement with Silas on substantive issues, (b) significant disagreement with Silas’ communication style, and (c) significant disagreement with Alicorn on certain issues.]
Alicorn doesn’t seem to have acknowledged the circumstance in which Silas was being abrasive and sarcastic towards her. People recently seeing their exchanges won’t know the circumstance, either. As a result, his comments may read as more hostile to them, when to me many of them read like frustration at being treated unfairly by someone and then being made into the bad guy when attempting to seek redress with them. Yes, many of his comments sound flat-out hostile to me, too (and I’ve told Silas in the past to tone it down), but these mainly started appearing after communication between the two of them had broken down, which seems a lot due to communication errors on Alicorn’s end, also.
When judging how much of a jerk someone is and deciding whether it’s worth trying to like them, it’s probably an example of the fundamental attribution error to judge them a jerk for being consistently sarcastic to you after you were a jerk to them and didn’t apologize. Alicorn’s assessment of Silas seems, to a large degree, a self-fulfilling prophecy (which also implies that there is a degree to which Silas’ sarcasm level isn’t justified by the way Alicorn treated him… though I do have sympathy for him for reasons I explain below).
Now, normally, I wouldn’t feel motivated to point a contradiction I perceived between a top-level post, and the behavior of a poster. I tend to treat people’s arguments in isolation. However, I’m not in Silas’ shoes. I know that I would feel frustrated and helpless if I was treated unfairly by a higher status member of a community, and then notice that person receiving acclaim from the community for advocating virtues that seemed absent in their treatment of me. I would start to feel a bit bullied if, when I had tried to point out the contradiction at various points and seek some updating from the high status person, members of the community sided with the high status person, rather than with me. I hope I would be able to just get over it, or communicate my frustration in a constructive way that put people on my side.
I have a decent level of social support, so I can handle someone giving me poor advice that is ignorant of my experience. I can handle people telling me something like what Alicorn told Silas (see my first link): that my female friends must not like me very much because they aren’t introducing me to more women. I could even handle someone saying: “If you’d like to add a less polite data point, I’d neither date you nor introduce you to my single friends based on what little I know of you” (Alicorn’s words to Silas, which were not justified by anything he had said at that point).
To me, I can shrug these things off; they aren’t a big deal… because I have social support. But it’s important to realize that to someone who has a below average level of social support, such presumptions are a big deal. People, including me, kept telling Silas to “get over” his issues with Alicorn, but perhaps what she said might have been disproportionately hurtful or angering to him than it would have been to any of us, and consequently harder to just “get over.” Silas still should have followed our advice, but our judgments of him based on the fact that he didn’t must take this potential background into account.
For people with lower social support, being asked to “get over it” can trigger past issues of bullying: being bullied by a more popular bully and then being told that it isn’t a big deal, and people judging you as more uncool for making a big deal about it than they judge the bully uncool for originally mistreating you. I am not saying that Alicorn was bullying Silas (though she may owe him some sort of apology or retraction), only presenting a hypothesis that her treatment of him, and our insistence that he “get over it” without any kind of apology or retraction from her, could well trigger a less-than-graceful response from someone with lower than average social support who have suffered interpersonal maltreatment in the past. If Silas belongs to such a class of people, it would explain a lot of the sarcasm and abrasiveness he has been flinging around towards people.
The ability to “just get over” people being a jerk to you and devaluing your social desirability is a privilege of people with social support. Since many of the people here might experience lower-than-average levels of social support, it’s a bad precedent on LessWrong if the norms allow someone to be a jerk to someone with a low level of social support, and then write the victim off as a jerk because they get mad and don’t respond as gracefully as someone with high social support would. It’s also a bad norm to allow poster A to be a jerk to poster B, and then accept that poster A can demand that poster B stop replying to them after poster B acts like a jerk in return.
For various reasons, Alicorn herself may not have realized that Silas felt maligned in that original discussion, or that she owed him an apology/retracion, and perhaps thought the updating she showed towards my explanation of where he was coming from was enough (again, see the first post I link to). As a result, she might have been mystified by why he was consistently being sarcastic to her, and imputed his behavior as a negative reflection of his character, such that he wasn’t worth communicating with or even trying to like. [Edit: Although these potential explanations of Alicorn’s thought processes are charitable, I acknowledge them as speculation.] This would be an example of the fundamental attribution error, even though it might have been an unknowing one.
Upvoted for being constructive and evenhanded. But I think a consensus has emerged that we should stop talking about this, or at least move it off this comment thread.
Upvoted for being an accurate and fair summary of the kerfuffle.
Please reconcile your obvious advice with jimrandomh’s equally-obvious but opposite advice given here. Specifically, on the issue of whether I should have made a comment in this discussion that implicitly requests a response from Alicorn.
Moderators: please withdraw your upvotes from the parent until you can come up with a course of action that would have satisfied both kodos96 and jimrandomh’s constraints; otherwise, you’re venturing deep into politicsland.
This is a fair point. Following jimrandomh’s advice would imply never criticizing Alicorn’s comments or posts. The letter of your “agreement” with Alicorn doesn’t require that, but jimrandomh’s advice does. I’ve upvoted this comment of yours and removed my upvote from jimrandomh’s. (I hadn’t upvoted kodos96′s.)
Merely being you and criticizing Alicorn ought not to be counted as pestering by this community. (Of course, certain kinds of criticism can count as pestering. And context, such as the poster’s identity, does count.)
My understanding of your agreement with Alicorn was that you were allowed to comment on each other’s top level posts, just not address each other directly. It may be that my understanding is incorrect (I don’t really care). The important part of what I said was the conditional, “if such failures actually existed.” If you’re pulling your claims of hypocrisy out of your ass, then there is no appropriate place for them.
And how’s that working out for you?
Well, it is indeed incorrect. The agreement’s not supposed to make sense—I found out the hard way what Alicorn is demanding.
Well, that’s subjective. If I have a good-faith suspicion of Alicorn not following this advice when in critical cases where it actually matters, surely, it obviously belongs here. Except that to jimrandomh, it obviously does. Which of these two contradictory obvious positions is right? And what inference should I draw from this kafkaesqueness?
… I don’t know how many more ways we can rephrase this till you get it: her advice is solely about how, not when or whether, to go about liking someone. So even if everything you’re saying is absolutely true, it does not refute the claims in the article.
Our positions aren’t contradictory. His is that you should refrain from commenting at all. Mine is that as long as you’re making personal accusations irrelevant to the OP, you should refrain from commenting. Since, in this case, you’re making personal accusations irrelevant to the OP, both our positions recommend the same course of action.
Granted, her advice is also relevant to canceling out dislike of someone whom you’ve already decided that you don’t want to dislike. But since she evidently has not made that decision with regard to you, it wouldn’t be appropriate for her to use her advice in this case. The relationship that you two have is not in a state where her advice is relevant. If Alicorn started writing posts about when one ought to like someone, then your criticisms would be relevant.
But her advice here is just not relevant to cases where one has decided that one really ought to dislike the other person.
I have already provided more than enough reasons why, by her own actions, she reveals that she believes she loses significantly (note those psychological stresses) by not counteracting her hatred. When you start addressing those points, you’ll have a case.
As it stands, Alicorn speaks as if from a different world than the one any named witness has seen her in.
Such a case would be for the claim that she ought not to like you. But I never made that claim, and I have no desire to make such a case. I like you and I think that she should, too.
But her wrong decision to dislike you does not imply that she is unqualified to give the advice in the OP, because the advice in the OP doesn’t concern the question of when one ought to dislike someone. The OP concerns the question of what to do after you have decided, by whatever means, that you ought not dislike someone whom you dislike.
Haven’t I shown that, by any reasonable measure—like the psychological stresses she claims (questionably) to get from merely noticing my comments—Alicorn ought to try to reverse this dislike, by her very own values?
Given that she does not apply the advice she gives here to this very real-world scenario, and I’m the only one so far with a name to go on record stating the impacts of these heuristics of engagement …
I too have observed a certain ironic discordance between some of Alicorn’s top level posts (including the luminosity series) and her observable behavior.
Do you get the distinction between (1) knowing how to do something, and (2) knowing when you ought to do that thing?
If you do get the distinction, do you recognize that Alicorn’s OP is entirely about (1), while your criticisms are entirely about (2)?
Do you get why demonstrating (2) shows why someone giving advice on (1) should, for consistency, have applied (1)? And therefore why (2) is relevant?
I’m actually am having a little trouble grasping your meaning with these questions. I agree that someone giving advice on (1) should have applied (1). Otherwise, they don’t have a justified claim to the knowledge in (1). But this is the case whether or not they demonstrate (2), which is why I’m confused by the wording of your question.
What I don’t get is why it is relevant if the advice-giver failed to realize that they should have applied (1) in some particular case, even if they ought to have known that they should have applied (1).
To give a gruesome example, a professional hitman might be able to give very good advice on how to kill someone you’ve decided to kill, even if his advice on when to decide to kill someone is spectacularly bad.
Similarly, your evaluation of Alicorn’s advice on how to like someone you’ve decided to like should be independent of your belief that she’s very bad at deciding when to like someone.
So that’s what your entire criticism amounts to? That maybe Alicorn just didn’t recognize this as an opportunity to use her skills, even as she goes through the terror of seeing my comments pop up all over the place?
That would kind of require you to believe that Alicorn was lying about the whole psychological stress thing, which is a spectacularly nasty thing to lie about. If you’re fine with that if it proves me wrong … I guess that’s a call you have to make.
I don’t follow this inference at all.
I would guess that she “didn’t recognize this as an opportunity to use her skills” because of the psychological stress.
That is, because of the psychological stress of interacting with you, she came to the mistaken conclusion that she ought not to like you, so she never tried to apply her advice. That would be my guess.
ETA: Maybe this is your reasoning (please confirm or deny): A person with the ability to choose to like anyone would choose to like everyone, especially the people that he or she really, really doesn’t like. This is because disliking someone is unpleasant, and it’s more unpleasant the more you dislike them. But liking someone is pleasant, so that is what someone with the power in the OP would choose to do. Therefore, someone who claims to have the power in the OP, but who also evidently doesn’t like someone, is probably lying or deluded.
Fourth time: the advice applies to canceling dislike, just as much as changing to like.
So, your position is now that Alicorn suffers psychological stress from seeing my name all over her favorite[1] discussion site, but feels this is just “something she has to live with” (though it has disadvantages of its own), becuase of the severe wrongness of turning off her dislike of me?
It’s okay to say “oops”.
Not even close: I listed the reasons Alicorn unnecessarily adheres to a dislike that are specific to this situation, and how the unpleasantness can be good for and the site by switching to non-dislike … already it looks nothing like the reasoning you posited.
[1] please, please don’t nitpick this one—you get the point, I hope
You know, I’ve been thinking the same thing :).
Yes, I think that that is a fair description of my position. (ETA: However, the “severe wrongness” need not be moral wrongness. Humans often want to do unpleasant things and very much don’t want to do something that would increase their pleasure. It’s not all that unusual. Usually this is for moral reasons, as conventionally understood, but not always.)
Did you read my edit to my last comment? Does it capture your reasoning (with “like” replaced with “not dislike”, if you like)?
Cute, but considering how contorted your position has turned out to be, you can forgive me for wondering if you wanted to stick with it.
And that’s what I mean: on top of the already contorted position I attributed to you, you’re adding this moral-or-maybe-something else wrongness, which has no precedent in your earlier justifications. Do you think it’s probably one of the non-moral-wrongness things? Is that just a matter of terminology?
My earlier comment has been revised to respond to your addition, but it’s just an elaboration of “wtf? no”.
Do you take enjoyment in participating in these long, often repetitive arguments? Do you not find the antagonism consistently grating or stressful? If you have been wronged, surely from experience you can see that repeatedly bringing it up is simply not going to change anything. I’m curious as to whether this apparent futility bothers you in the same way that I know it would bother me.
I do find the antagonism grating and/or stressful. (The same with questions posed in the negative, but I digress.)
It’s definitely going to change the cardinality of the set of non-anonymous people who can indepently confirm or disconfirm being on the receiving end of Alicorn’s wisdom, which is what I was mainly hoping for.
To your broader, implied query: I’m between a rock in a hard place. I’ve wanted to point out what a crock Alicorn’s supposed insight on the matter is since her luminosity series (this isn’t the first time she’s posted advice in direct contradiction of how all evidence reveals she handles situations). After about the ~8th article, I couldn’t let her go on promoting this two-faced act, so I spoke up.
No, I don’t enjoy becoming LW’s whipping boy every three months. But what can I say—no good deed goes unpunished.
This doesn’t work online, but Steve Rayhawk has cultivated the habit of consistently responding to questions in the negative with an affirmative response (‘Yes, I do not believe that’, or simply ‘Yes’) and thus I feel I do not have to sacrifice meaning for ease of conversational flow. I really wish this would become a more common disposition. Anyway, sorry for doing that.
I think you discount the possibility (I have no idea how probable it is, by the way) that Alicorn is actually a generally luminous and thoughtful person and that for some reason you seem to be an especially rare and difficult case for her. Maybe she has legitimate things to say to help people generally, even if she messed up (or you messed up for her) the dynamic between you two specifically. I know Alicorn. She can be critical, but she’s genuinely a good person. It could be that you’ve been wronged, but it could also be that this is an an atypical result for people who interact with Alicorn, as most of the evidence seems to suggest. Generalizing from one example, although it probably feels justified, might actually be the wrong thing to do here. It might be impossible for you, but I’d suggest letting it go. All of the writing time you’ve spent on comments in this thread could have been spent on a good post, which is your strong point. One should generally not spend their time optimizing for cold harshies.
I’m not generalizing from one example, and my reaction is not atypical. Looking at the moderation difference between Alicorn and HughRistik regarding her advice here, and the numerous other times she posts dating/meeting friends advice in the comments section (rather than as an article), it seems that most men here aren’t benefitting from what she has to say in their daily lives—though they may certainly find the advice intellectually stimulating.
Point taken (and I think you meant atypical?). It’s funny, because I know Hugh and I know Alicorn, and I bet they’d make decent friends in person (if they haven’t met already at a Less Wrong meetup while I was on vacation or something). Anyway, your claim here seems way more reasonable than the dramatized ones above. (“I couldn’t let her go on promoting this two-faced act”.) It seems you have narrowed your argument specifically to relationship advice, in which case I’m much more tempted to agree that your point has merit. But I think her luminosity sequence got a lot of upvotes for a reason. I personally found some useful concepts in there, and looking at the comments it seems many others also discovered her ideas about luminosity to be useful. First, I don’t think shouting ‘hypocrisy’ is a good argument against the usefulness of a post; second, I don’t think that shouting ‘hypocrisy’, or attempting ad hominem attacks, is going to get you anywhere anyway. If you want to make people think Alicorn is a bad person, fine, but why the heck would you want to do that? Vengeance? It seems you take the more reasonable position that Alicorn might be being trusted as an expert where she lacks skill, but continuing to attack her in areas where skill has been demonstrated erodes Less Wrongers’ ability to believe you are acting in good faith.
Hmm. I thought that I laid it out very cleanly here.
I think that it’s probably moral wrongness, but I’m less certain, so I’m more cautious about attributing that view to her.
But, at any rate, I honestly don’t see the contortions to which you refer. Perhaps she would experience a certain increase in pleasure if she modified herself not to dislike you. If she has this power, but chooses not to use it, then you may conclude that she cares about something more than that pleasure. It’s sort of like how Ghandi wouldn’t take a pill to make himself like to kill people, even if he knew that he would have lots of opportunities to kill people at no cost. There is a very standard distinction between what you think you ought to do and what you think will give you the most pleasure. I would expect the inferential distance on LW for this to be very short. That is why I don’t see my position as contorted.
Give me just a little credit here: yes I do understand the difference between “this increases my pleasure” and “I should do this”; and yes, there should be low inferential distance on explaining such a point on LW. That’s wasn’t in dispute. What’s in dispute is how much contortion you have to go through to justify why that distinction would be relevant and applicable here (which even the contortion leaves out).
And you didn’t lay it out very cleanly in the linked comment: you just made one distinction that is a very small part of what you have to say to specify your position.
My view is that Alicorn probably perceives certain benefits from not disliking you, such as the ones you’ve enumerated. But evidently she also sees other costs from not disliking you (costs which are probably moral). In her estimation (which I think is incorrect) the costs outweigh the benefits. Therefore, she has chosen not to apply the advice in the OP.
What’s contorted about that? As I see it, I’m just taking her revealed preferences at face value, while giving her the benefit of the doubt that she has the powers described in the OP.
Okay, how about this*:
* I’m honestly just trying to understand your view. I expect that my picture of your view is still wrong in significant respects. But the best way that I know to improve my understanding is to give you my picture so far, so that you can correct it. I am not trying to characterize your view for rhetorical purposes. Again, I know that my picture is probably wrong.
* It is not enough that she ought to know, any more than we should dismiss the hitman’s advice on how to kill just because he is so clearly wrong about when* to kill.
From the very first sentence the underlying premise supporting that ‘how’ is that the author can, in fact, do the thing in question. It isn’t presented as something known in theory, were that the case external evidence would be required, not implicit reference to personal experience. This being the case either a demonstrated strength in the area or a description of specific improvement in a weakness is required to give support to the ‘how to guide’ in question.
(The above is independent of whether Alicorn is hypocritical or otherwise a worthy subject of moral sanction. It is just a rejection of the claim of Tyrrell’s that observations of the poster is ‘entirely’ irrelevant to the credibility of the advice given. With extra rejection given to the condescending tone.)
I don’t see what you’re saying here beyond what I myself said here, when I wrote,
To be a little more explicit, I meant “applied (1) successfully”. As I go on to say, this does not contradict the distinction between (1) and (2), because:
(I’m quoting myself at length here because someone downvoted me earlier for giving just a link to another comment when I thought that the other comment said all I would want to say.)
You go on to say,
I think that this is a form of asking for impossible evidence. Of course, the evidence you request is not really impossible. Alicorn could have given all sorts of identifying details of the people she forced herself to like, and she could have described at length the circumstances under which she did so.
However, it’s not reasonable to have expected her to do this in the OP. The social sanction against doing that kind of thing is too great, and with reason. It would not have helped the reception of her article to drag forth all of her grievances and peeves against someone, just to describe how she overcame all these issues and learned to like the person. To expect this of her is to have an unrealistic picture of human interaction.
Therefore, Alicorn’s lack of “description of specific improvement” is not Bayesian evidence against her ability to do what she advises, nor against the possibility that she has applied her advice with success. We just have to evaluate the plausibility of her hypothesis by other means, such as consistency with our prior knowledge and our own experimental tests.
My blunt tone is intended to be a sign of respect to Silas. One of the things that I admire about him is that, when he disagrees with someone, he says so plainly, often without expressing contempt (though not often enough). He does not obscure his position by softening it to save feelings. I extend to him the same courtesy.