why do you infer a physical world, instead of a mathematical world
What’s the difference between these two? I think we are getting to the stage of philosophical abstraction where words lose all purchase. I have no idea what image “physical world, instead of a mathematical world” conjures up in Wei and Vladimir’s minds, and the words “physical ” and “mathematical” don’t seem to help me.
My position is that “physical world” is meaningless, and the question was a rhetorical one that I asked because I thought Nesov was thinking in terms of a physical world.
I think it is reasonable to eliminate the phrase “physical world”. “Hubble volume that we inhabit” seems to do most of the job that it did for me anyway.
What’s the difference between these two? I think we are getting to the stage of philosophical abstraction where words lose all purchase. I have no idea what image “physical world, instead of a mathematical world” conjures up in Wei and Vladimir’s minds, and the words “physical ” and “mathematical” don’t seem to help me.
My position is that “physical world” is meaningless, and the question was a rhetorical one that I asked because I thought Nesov was thinking in terms of a physical world.
I think it is reasonable to eliminate the phrase “physical world”. “Hubble volume that we inhabit” seems to do most of the job that it did for me anyway.