The problem with this (as with all examples of the phenomenon—things that are justified and good when they’re somewhat rare and intentionally transgressive or risky, but are annoying and harmful when safe and common) is that I really LIKE the gems, and want to (occasionally) partake myself.
It’s a matter of variable and contextual value (generally declining on the margin), and I don’t know any good answers.
On LW you can add a tag filter for April Fool’s. So you can set that to hidden.
The problem with this (as with all examples of the phenomenon—things that are justified and good when they’re somewhat rare and intentionally transgressive or risky, but are annoying and harmful when safe and common) is that I really LIKE the gems, and want to (occasionally) partake myself.
It’s a matter of variable and contextual value (generally declining on the margin), and I don’t know any good answers.