Funding education with personal loans makes sense if education is meant to produce earners. But I see education as meant to produce people and societies.
What metrics do you think we could use to measure whether college education actually produces people and societies?
There’s a lot of money involved into spreading the meme that this is what happens but I haven’t seen any good evidence for that claim.
It is only at that level that the full benefit of education is seen, even for specialties that manage to capture a lot of value, and it is at that level that the benefits of, say, English majors are really delivered.
How do you know that English majors produce a lot of value for society?
What metrics do you think we could use to measure whether college education actually produces people and societies?
There’s a lot of money involved into spreading the meme that this is what happens but I haven’t seen any good evidence for that claim.
How do you know that English majors produce a lot of value for society?