I tried hedging against this the first time, though maybe that was in a too-inflammatory manner. The second time
Sorry for not replying in more detail, but in the meantime it’d be quite interesting to know whether the authors of these posts confirm that at least some parts of them are copy-pasted from LLM output. I don’t want to call them out (and I wouldn’t have much against it), but I feel like knowing it would be pretty important for this discussion. @Alexander Gietelink Oldenziel, @Nicholas Andresen you’ve written the posts linked in the quote. What do you say?
(not sure whether the authors are going to get a notification with the tag, but I guess trying doesn’t hurt)
Sorry for not replying in more detail, but in the meantime it’d be quite interesting to know whether the authors of these posts confirm that at least some parts of them are copy-pasted from LLM output. I don’t want to call them out (and I wouldn’t have much against it), but I feel like knowing it would be pretty important for this discussion. @Alexander Gietelink Oldenziel, @Nicholas Andresen you’ve written the posts linked in the quote. What do you say?
(not sure whether the authors are going to get a notification with the tag, but I guess trying doesn’t hurt)