You should submit this to the Future Fund’s ideas competition, even though it’s technically closed. I’m really tempted to do it myself just to make sure it gets done, and very well might submit something in this vein once I’ve done a more detailed brainstorm.
Probably a good idea, though I’m less optimistic about the form being checked. I’ll plan on writing something up today. If I don’t end up doing that today for whatever reason, akrasia, whatever, I’ll DM you.
I am confident that they would not let it being technically closed stop them from considering the proposal if someone they respected pointed at the proposal (and likely even if they didn’t), and I’d be happy to do the pointing for you if necessary. If that seems necessary, DM me.
Please DM me if you end up starting some sort of project along these lines. I have some (admittedly limited) experience working in media/public relations, and can probably help a bit.
Probably a good idea, though I’m less optimistic about the form being checked. I’ll plan on writing something up today. If I don’t end up doing that today for whatever reason, akrasia, whatever, I’ll DM you.
I am confident that they would not let it being technically closed stop them from considering the proposal if someone they respected pointed at the proposal (and likely even if they didn’t), and I’d be happy to do the pointing for you if necessary. If that seems necessary, DM me.
Please DM me if you end up starting some sort of project along these lines. I have some (admittedly limited) experience working in media/public relations, and can probably help a bit.
For anyone else also interested, you should add yourself on this spreadsheet.
It’s very useful for people building such an organisation to know of interested people, and vice versa.
If you don’t want to use the spreadsheet, you can also DM me and I’ll keep you in the loop privately.
If you’re making such an organisation, please contact me. I’d like to work with you.