Yes, I agree 1000%. It’s expensive in this world for one to find significant time to simply think, and it seems to be very rare these days, but that’s probably the most important thing in making revolutionary advances. I assume this very site is the result of someone having much time to simply think freely.
Of course you should also mention the flip side dangers of rationalism, how you actually have to walk the streets to draw an accurate map, you can’t just sit in a room with your eyes closed, and so on. But there’s a great point to be made here that is usually understated.
Yes, I agree 1000%. It’s expensive in this world for one to find significant time to simply think, and it seems to be very rare these days, but that’s probably the most important thing in making revolutionary advances. I assume this very site is the result of someone having much time to simply think freely.
Of course you should also mention the flip side dangers of rationalism, how you actually have to walk the streets to draw an accurate map, you can’t just sit in a room with your eyes closed, and so on. But there’s a great point to be made here that is usually understated.