Anyone can join the group, right?
Link to said group:
Definitely looking forward to any new people
no he’s right
I’m not trying to write persuasively. I already have all the information in the first place. I know the organizers reasons, she told them to me. I know the contract is garbage, I just looked at it last night to make certain I was actually corresponding fully with reality here. If I wanted to be persuasive I would have just laid all of that on the line. But I don’t want to do that here. I’m not trying to persuade the people who don’t believe me, I’m just trying to make sure anybody who seriously cares about this can see it, and knows they can get more information from me if they want it in order to better make a decision. Since it’s relatively costless to simply ask me for the evidence, it’s silly for anybody who seriously cares about the answer to complain that they don’t believe me without even asking.
So why don’t you respond down here?
Why don’t you tell me that it’s ok to screw our friends with an enormous, unexpected bill because your contract was garbage and it would hurt the program’s budget to treat them fairly? Even though it’s against all of your your own instrumental goals, even though you have no legal basis, even though that’s an incredibly heartless, dick thing to do.
You seem to be suggesting that’s perfectly rational behavior and not crazy at all, so why don’t you elaborate on that.
The lady who runs this is quite literally, nuts.
I do not think this means what you think it means, but thanks for the funny image anyway.
I do not think this means what you think it means, but thanks for the funny image anyway.
The sad part for me is that I wasn’t smart enough to figure out on the spot how to fully convince her to change her mind and make nobody here have to pay anything...
can’t believe this gold gets down-voted so heavily, lol.
yes, well. this kind of unexpectedly evolved into exercise that everybody failed. if you don’t like it perhaps you can start a petition. fucking rofl...
man now I feel bad about cussing when you took it so elegantly, lol. and yeah, on your last point, I seemed to be much more confident than the average Less Wronger about Kim Souzzi for example. Not really sure if that’s related but it at least seems like another data point.
I found most of the conference to otherwise be overly regimented without enough unstructured time.
I actually agree with this completely. That was my main piece of constructive advice for the conference: more unstructured time. The best conversations were around the hot tub. Funny how that works.
More total time was wasted with discussion and worry about this (and not getting to know each other) than actual sum time wasted by the handful of people who showed up late.
Which just goes to illustrate my question, which do you think was a bigger pain in the ass for Frodo, the Fellowship or the Ring? lol
- Mar 12, 2013, 2:51 PM; 3 points) 's comment on Young Cryonicist Gathering Warning by (
You’re too fucking late you idiot
Now let’s learn from this and not make the same mistake when it counts, shall we? :)
Tim, the distinction is moot from the point of view of the poor bastard getting screwed in all this. Anyone with a shred of empathy can see that. It’s especially bad since these are explicitly young people, most of whom are not going to be economically well off, which is why they needed the scholarship so much in the first place!
I don’t think our mutual friends to whom this email was sent would agree that it’s ok to screw them with an enormous, unexpected bill because your contract was garbage and it would hurt the program’s budget to treat them fairly (in some crazy scenario you’re suggesting may be possible). I don’t know of any reason why the cases last year couldn’t be taken to court except that nobody tried or it wasn’t worth it. But you’re a lawyer so maybe you can answer that...
- Mar 12, 2013, 4:45 PM; -11 points) 's comment on Young Cryonicist Gathering Warning by (
I’m sorry, I didn’t realize “easily verified” was a technical term. It seems perfectly easy to just ask me and receive what you want. How is that any different than getting results from a google search, except that you’d have to confirm that the evidence is real, which at that point would be a significantly higher probability (or lower probability, I suppose, depending on what you saw) belief anyway (and a requirement that the results of your search would be subject to anyway)?
- Mar 12, 2013, 5:19 PM; -13 points) 's comment on Young Cryonicist Gathering Warning by (
well, you’re systematically wrong.
I don’t want to, say, “name the victims”, unless someone genuinely wants more evidence if this is real or not, so I can run it by them first. “Serious inquiries only.” I’ve already explained below about not wanting to be “too serious” in my tone in the email. The fact that Google returns no results is a sad testament to the fact that nobody else apparently thought it worth telling about (and Cairn Idun’s bizarre, cryptic snail mail packages of paper don’t exactly facilitate an online presence. If you knew anything about this you’d know what I mean.)
But the main point is that you’re not actually responding to what I said. What possible evidence could you have to think I’m making this up? I’m not not giving out my evidence, I’m actually telling you that I can provide it if asked for.
If you seriously don’t care one way or another about why it’s true, then I really don’t know why you care so much about why everything is not instantly transparent, when you can easily think of reasons why I would want to keep some details private in making the claim.
I never said I don’t want an answer. Actually I think I explicitly asked for one.
Completely wrong.
As a software engineer at a company with way too much work to go around, I can tell you that making a “good effort” goes a long way. 90% of the time you don’t have to “make it work or get a zero”. As long as you are showing progress you can generally keep the client happy (or at least not firing you) as you get things done, even if you are missing deadlines. And this seems very much normal to me. I’m not sure where in the market you have to “make it work or get a zero”. I’m not even convinced that exists.