The Hofstadter’s Law of Inferential Distance: What you are saying is always harder to understand than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law of Inferential Distance.
Of course this post is only a small side-node, and it tells nothing about which events mean what. Human preference is a preference, so even without details the discussion of preference-in-general has some implications for human preference, which the last paragraph of the post alluded to, with regards to picking priors for Bayesian math.
The Hofstadter’s Law of Inferential Distance: What you are saying is always harder to understand than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law of Inferential Distance.
Of course this post is only a small side-node, and it tells nothing about which events mean what. Human preference is a preference, so even without details the discussion of preference-in-general has some implications for human preference, which the last paragraph of the post alluded to, with regards to picking priors for Bayesian math.