Under the condition that influence is still useful after a singularity-ish scenario, betting on percentages of one’s net worth (in influence, spacetime regions, matterenergy, plain old money etc.) at the resolution time seems to account for some of the change in situation (e.g. “If X, you give me 1% of your networth, otherwise I give you 2% of mine.”). The scenarios where those things matter not at all after important events seem pretty unlikely to me.
(Posting here because I expect more attention, tell me if I should move this to the previous question or elsewhere)
Thanks. I don’t think that condition holds, alas. I’m trying to optimize for making the singularity go well, and don’t care much (relatively speaking) about my level of influence afterwards. If you would like to give me some of your influence now, in return for me giving you some of my influence afterwards, perhaps we can strike a deal!
Under the condition that influence is still useful after a singularity-ish scenario, betting on percentages of one’s net worth (in influence, spacetime regions, matterenergy, plain old money etc.) at the resolution time seems to account for some of the change in situation (e.g. “If X, you give me 1% of your networth, otherwise I give you 2% of mine.”). The scenarios where those things matter not at all after important events seem pretty unlikely to me.
(Posting here because I expect more attention, tell me if I should move this to the previous question or elsewhere)
Thanks. I don’t think that condition holds, alas. I’m trying to optimize for making the singularity go well, and don’t care much (relatively speaking) about my level of influence afterwards. If you would like to give me some of your influence now, in return for me giving you some of my influence afterwards, perhaps we can strike a deal!
I might get back on your offer when I have put more effort into finding out timelines, and then deciding what I should/could do about it :-)