My recent experience with reading private_messaging (Dmytry) in both Kruel’s blog and the rationalwiki talk page, has led me to the opinion that he has a complete disregard for the truth-value or consistency in any accusation or insult he makes against LW or SIAI—he just throws at them everything he can, the juicier accusation the better, even if it contradicts some earlier accusation. (e.g. half the time SIAI are self-deluded fools, the other half the time they’re conscious fraudsters—half the time there’s no danger from AI and SIAI are therefore villains for claiming there is a danger, the other half time SIAI’s ideas would create dangerously insane AIs, so it seems AI can be a danger after all)
My recent experience with reading private_messaging (Dmytry) in both Kruel’s blog and the rationalwiki talk page, has led me to the opinion that he has a complete disregard for the truth-value or consistency in any accusation or insult he makes against LW or SIAI—he just throws at them everything he can, the juicier accusation the better, even if it contradicts some earlier accusation. (e.g. half the time SIAI are self-deluded fools, the other half the time they’re conscious fraudsters—half the time there’s no danger from AI and SIAI are therefore villains for claiming there is a danger, the other half time SIAI’s ideas would create dangerously insane AIs, so it seems AI can be a danger after all)