Of course you can’t recap the whole talk, but you can describe the critical part. Very few good ideas actually need a full fifteen minutes to express. Look at what my post did for the talk: explained Deutsch’s phrasing of Occam’s razor. That’s the critical part people were wondering about, and the explanation I gave sufficed to tell those people whether the talk would be worth their time.
Of course you can’t recap the whole talk, but you can describe the critical part. Very few good ideas actually need a full fifteen minutes to express. Look at what my post did for the talk: explained Deutsch’s phrasing of Occam’s razor. That’s the critical part people were wondering about, and the explanation I gave sufficed to tell those people whether the talk would be worth their time.
It seems summarizing is a lost art.
I disagree that what you singled out here is critical.
The title of this top-level post is: “David Deutsch: A new way to explain explanation”.
That makes Deutsch’s explanation of explanation critical.
Which is why I slogged through the video to get to it and save everyone else the time.