One cannot add agents to an anthropic situation and expect the situation to be necessarily unchanged. This includes agents that are not valued by anyone.
The submissive gnome problem initially gives x=$2/3 for selfish/average ut and x=$4/5 for total ut. This is wrong, but still has selfish and average ut at the same value.
A patch is added to change average ut and total ut but not selfish. This patch is essentially a pre-commitment. This patch is argued to not be available for selfish agents. This argument may be valid, but the reason the patch is not available needs to be made clear.
UDT attempts to reason without needing pre-commitment patches. Therefore even if the argument above is valid and patches can’t be applied to gnomes of selfish agents, this does not preclude UDT from reaching a different answer from the above. UDT is compatible with pre-commitments, but that doesn’t mean that UDT needs to be different if pre-commitments become impossible.
When discussing indexical vs non-indexical total utilitarianism, it seems to be argued that the first cannot be pre-commitment patched (stays at x=$4/5) while the second can (moves to x=$2/3).
It is not clear at all why this is the case, since the two utility functions are equal in every possible world, and, unlike the average ut=selfish situation, in impossible worlds as well (in the impossible worlds where identical agents reach different decisions). I see no valid reason that arguments available to one type of utility would not be available to the other.
In terms of worlds, these two utilities are just different ways of defining the same thing.
Without that difference between the indexical and non-indexical, the selfish=50%total ut+50%hater is valid.
Thus I don’t think the argument works in its current form.
There’s some confusion here that needs to be resolved, and you’ve correctly pinpointed that the issue is with the indexical versions of the utility functions, or, equivalently, the gnomes who don’t see a human at all.
I think I have a comprehensive answer to these issues, so I’m going to type it up now.
I feel like you are searching for disconfirmation and then stopping.
One cannot add agents to an anthropic situation and expect the situation to be necessarily unchanged.
It’s true, one can’t always add agents. But there are some circumstances under which one can add agents, and it is important to continue on and identify how this can work. It turns out that you have to add gnomes and then add information that lets the humans know that they’re humans and the gnomes know that they’re gnomes. This works because even in anthropic situations, the only events that matter to your probability assignment are ones that are consistent with your information.
One cannot add agents to an anthropic situation and expect the situation to be necessarily unchanged.
The point of that is to allow me to analyse the problem without assuming the gnome example must be true. The real objections are in the subsequent points. Even if the gnomes argue something (still a big question what they argue), we still don’t have evidence that the humans should follow them.
To be blunt, this is a question you can solve. Since it’s a non-anthropic problem, though there is some danger in Beluga’ analysis, vanilla UDT is all that’s needed.
we still don’t have evidence that the humans should follow them
The evidence goes as follows: The gnomes are in the same situation as the humans, with the same options and the same payoffs. Although they started with different information than the humans (especially since the humans didn’t exist), at the time when they have to make the decision they have the same probabilities for payoffs given actions (although there’s a deeper point here that could bear elaboration). Therefore the right decision for the gnome is also the right decision for the human.
This sounds an awful lot like an isomorphism argument to me… What sort of standard of evidence would you say is appropriate for an isomorphism argument?
The deeper point is important, and I think you’re mistaken about the necessary and sufficient conditions for an isomorphism here.
If a human appears in a gnome’s cell, then that excludes the counterfactual world in which the human did not appear in the gnome’s cell. However, on UDT, the gnome’s decision does depend on the payoffs in that counterfactual world.
Thus, for the isomorphism argument to hold, the preferences of the human and gnome must align over counterfactual worlds as well as factual ones. It is not sufficient to have the same probabilities for payoffs given linked actions when you have to make a decision, you also have to have the same probabilities for payoffs given linked actions when you don’t have to make a decision.
Could you give a worked example of the correct action for the gnome with a human in their cell depending on the payoffs for the gnome without a human in their cell? (Assuming they know whether there’s a human in their cell, and know the three different possible sets of payoffs for the available actions—if these constraints were relaxed I think it would be clearly doable. As it is I’m doubtful.)
I already have a more detailed version here; see the different calcualtions for E[T] vs E[IT]. However, I’ll give you a short version. From the gnome’s perspective, the two different types of total utilitarian utility functions are: T = total $ over both cells IT = total $ over both cells if there’s a human in my cell, 0 otherwise. and the possible outcomes are p=1/4 for heads + no human in my cell p=1/4 for heads + human in my cell p=1/2 for tails + human in my cell.
As you can see, these two utility functions only differ when there is no human in the gnome’s cell. Moreover, by the assumptions of the problem, the utility functions of the gnomes are symmetric, and their decisions are also. UDT proper doesn’t apply to gnomes whose utility function is IT, because the function IT is different for each of the different gnomes, but the more general principle of linked decisions still applies due to the obvious symmetry between the gnomes’ situations, despite the differences in utility functions. Thus we assume a linked decision where either gnome recommends buying a ticket for $x.
The utility calculations are therefore E[T] = (1/4)(-x) + (1/4)(-x) + (1/2)2(1-x) = 1-(3/2)x (breakeven at 2⁄3) E[IT] = (1/4)(0) + (1/4)(-x) + (1/2)2(1-x) = 1-(5/4)x (breakeven at 4⁄5)
Thus gnomes who are indifferent when no human is present (U = IT) should precommit to a value of x=4/5, while gnomes who still care about the total $ when no human is present (U = T) should precommit to a value of x=2/3.
Note also that this is invariant under the choice of which constant value we use to represent indifference. For some constant C, the correct calculation would actually be E[IT | buy at $x] = (1/4)(C) + (1/4)(-x) + (1/2)2(1-x) = (1/4)C + 1-(5/4)x E[IT | don’t buy] = (1/4)(C) + (1/4)(0) + (1/2)(0) = (1/4)C and so the breakeven point remains at x = 4⁄5
Thanks for giving this great example. This works because in the total utilitarian case (and average utilitarian, and other more general possibilities) the payoff of one gnome depends on the action of the other, so they have to coordinate for maximum payoff. This effect doesn’t exist in any selfish case, which is what I was thinking about at the time. But this definitely shows that isomorphism can be more complicated than what I said.
To give a summary of my thoughts:
One cannot add agents to an anthropic situation and expect the situation to be necessarily unchanged. This includes agents that are not valued by anyone.
The submissive gnome problem initially gives x=$2/3 for selfish/average ut and x=$4/5 for total ut. This is wrong, but still has selfish and average ut at the same value.
A patch is added to change average ut and total ut but not selfish. This patch is essentially a pre-commitment. This patch is argued to not be available for selfish agents. This argument may be valid, but the reason the patch is not available needs to be made clear.
UDT attempts to reason without needing pre-commitment patches. Therefore even if the argument above is valid and patches can’t be applied to gnomes of selfish agents, this does not preclude UDT from reaching a different answer from the above. UDT is compatible with pre-commitments, but that doesn’t mean that UDT needs to be different if pre-commitments become impossible.
When discussing indexical vs non-indexical total utilitarianism, it seems to be argued that the first cannot be pre-commitment patched (stays at x=$4/5) while the second can (moves to x=$2/3).
It is not clear at all why this is the case, since the two utility functions are equal in every possible world, and, unlike the average ut=selfish situation, in impossible worlds as well (in the impossible worlds where identical agents reach different decisions). I see no valid reason that arguments available to one type of utility would not be available to the other.
In terms of worlds, these two utilities are just different ways of defining the same thing.
Without that difference between the indexical and non-indexical, the selfish=50%total ut+50%hater is valid.
Thus I don’t think the argument works in its current form.
There’s some confusion here that needs to be resolved, and you’ve correctly pinpointed that the issue is with the indexical versions of the utility functions, or, equivalently, the gnomes who don’t see a human at all.
I think I have a comprehensive answer to these issues, so I’m going to type it up now.
I feel like you are searching for disconfirmation and then stopping.
It’s true, one can’t always add agents. But there are some circumstances under which one can add agents, and it is important to continue on and identify how this can work. It turns out that you have to add gnomes and then add information that lets the humans know that they’re humans and the gnomes know that they’re gnomes. This works because even in anthropic situations, the only events that matter to your probability assignment are ones that are consistent with your information.
The point of that is to allow me to analyse the problem without assuming the gnome example must be true. The real objections are in the subsequent points. Even if the gnomes argue something (still a big question what they argue), we still don’t have evidence that the humans should follow them.
To be blunt, this is a question you can solve. Since it’s a non-anthropic problem, though there is some danger in Beluga’ analysis, vanilla UDT is all that’s needed.
The evidence goes as follows: The gnomes are in the same situation as the humans, with the same options and the same payoffs. Although they started with different information than the humans (especially since the humans didn’t exist), at the time when they have to make the decision they have the same probabilities for payoffs given actions (although there’s a deeper point here that could bear elaboration). Therefore the right decision for the gnome is also the right decision for the human.
This sounds an awful lot like an isomorphism argument to me… What sort of standard of evidence would you say is appropriate for an isomorphism argument?
I’m convinced that this issue goes much deeper than it first seemed… I’m putting stuff together, and I’ll publish a post on it soon.
The deeper point is important, and I think you’re mistaken about the necessary and sufficient conditions for an isomorphism here.
If a human appears in a gnome’s cell, then that excludes the counterfactual world in which the human did not appear in the gnome’s cell. However, on UDT, the gnome’s decision does depend on the payoffs in that counterfactual world.
Thus, for the isomorphism argument to hold, the preferences of the human and gnome must align over counterfactual worlds as well as factual ones. It is not sufficient to have the same probabilities for payoffs given linked actions when you have to make a decision, you also have to have the same probabilities for payoffs given linked actions when you don’t have to make a decision.
Could you give a worked example of the correct action for the gnome with a human in their cell depending on the payoffs for the gnome without a human in their cell? (Assuming they know whether there’s a human in their cell, and know the three different possible sets of payoffs for the available actions—if these constraints were relaxed I think it would be clearly doable. As it is I’m doubtful.)
I already have a more detailed version here; see the different calcualtions for E[T] vs E[IT]. However, I’ll give you a short version. From the gnome’s perspective, the two different types of total utilitarian utility functions are:
T = total $ over both cells
IT = total $ over both cells if there’s a human in my cell, 0 otherwise.
and the possible outcomes are
p=1/4 for heads + no human in my cell
p=1/4 for heads + human in my cell
p=1/2 for tails + human in my cell.
As you can see, these two utility functions only differ when there is no human in the gnome’s cell. Moreover, by the assumptions of the problem, the utility functions of the gnomes are symmetric, and their decisions are also. UDT proper doesn’t apply to gnomes whose utility function is IT, because the function IT is different for each of the different gnomes, but the more general principle of linked decisions still applies due to the obvious symmetry between the gnomes’ situations, despite the differences in utility functions. Thus we assume a linked decision where either gnome recommends buying a ticket for $x.
The utility calculations are therefore
E[T] = (1/4)(-x) + (1/4)(-x) + (1/2)2(1-x) = 1-(3/2)x (breakeven at 2⁄3)
E[IT] = (1/4)(0) + (1/4)(-x) + (1/2)2(1-x) = 1-(5/4)x (breakeven at 4⁄5)
Thus gnomes who are indifferent when no human is present (U = IT) should precommit to a value of x=4/5, while gnomes who still care about the total $ when no human is present (U = T) should precommit to a value of x=2/3.
Note also that this is invariant under the choice of which constant value we use to represent indifference. For some constant C, the correct calculation would actually be
E[IT | buy at $x] = (1/4)(C) + (1/4)(-x) + (1/2)2(1-x) = (1/4)C + 1-(5/4)x
E[IT | don’t buy] = (1/4)(C) + (1/4)(0) + (1/2)(0) = (1/4)C
and so the breakeven point remains at x = 4⁄5
Thanks for giving this great example. This works because in the total utilitarian case (and average utilitarian, and other more general possibilities) the payoff of one gnome depends on the action of the other, so they have to coordinate for maximum payoff. This effect doesn’t exist in any selfish case, which is what I was thinking about at the time. But this definitely shows that isomorphism can be more complicated than what I said.