I recomend you join my counter-campaign: change your profile picture to your favourite 18th century Probability Theorist to raise awareness of the conjunction fallacy. We’ve gone viral, with over 7 members from 4 countries.
I think we’d have even more members if we asked people to toss a coin, and if it lands heads then change your profile picture to your favourite 18th century Probability Theorist to raise awareness of the conjugation fallacy. (If it lands tails do nothing)
I recomend you join my counter-campaign: change your profile picture to your favourite 18th century Probability Theorist to raise awareness of the conjunction fallacy. We’ve gone viral, with over 7 members from 4 countries.
I think we’d have even more members if we asked people to toss a coin, and if it lands heads then change your profile picture to your favourite 18th century Probability Theorist to raise awareness of the conjugation fallacy. (If it lands tails do nothing)
What’s the conjugation fallacy?
A misspelling, now in several statuses, of The Conjunction Fallacy.
Conjugation is not a fallacy, you fools! And now all is lost...